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Whoever can find all of the lyric references in this chapter wins (its like every song off the new ep lol)

Calum's POV

I've always wanted to go to Vegas. It has a similar reputation as myself; full of secrets, drowns out its problems with girls and alcohol. Understandably this place feels like home.

"Two shows and two nights here, then a week left of the tour and we finally get a break," I groan, bringing a drink to my lips as I sit on a couch in the lobby next to Luke. He just nods, his eyes watching the other people in the room. "Why don't you just ask her out?" I roll my eyes at him.

"What? Who?" his voice squeaks, sitting back up.

"Hayley, you've been staring at her for the past two days," I smirk. She is the new intern, right now they have her on stupid jobs like carrying equipment or organizing supplies. She wants to be one of the sound tech people or some crap. I don't really pay attention.

"No I haven't," Luke says defensively. "She just seems like she would be fun to be friends with," He crosses his arms. His eyes fall back on her again. She is a solid 9 if I say so myself, I would totally hook up with her, but I like to stay away from any of the tour crew considering I would have to actually see them again. She has dirty blonde hair that is almost always tied up, she is always in big t-shirts, and she has a little nose ring, but I haven't ever spoken to her, I just know Luke can't keep his eyes off of her.

"So you wouldn't mind if I go offer her a drink?" I raise my eyebrows knowingly.

"Why would you want to do that?" he frowns, annoyance on his face. I just smirk, my point made. "You're an asshole."

"Love you too Luke," I flick his head and check my phone. No Texts. Not that I was expecting any.

"She hasn't texted you?" Luke tries to hide his smile, knowing it is his turn to get revenge. He better be careful here. "She is in the hotel, Maddie and Grace are meeting up with her later."

"I don't know who you are talking about, and I don't care," I mutter, clenching my jaw. "I don't give two shits if Charlie is here or not."

Luke opens his mouth to say more, but decides against it. Smart move you little fu-

"Is anything going on with them?" Luke nudges my shoulder, flicking his chin towards the other end of the lobby where Ashton is giving Maddie a piggyback ride to the elevator.

"Not that I know of, they are always like that." I shrug. Their friendship is always something I will be jealous of. "Would you care if there was?"

Luke thinks for a moment, his eyebrows furrowing as he glances from Ashton and Maddie to the crew by the front desk. "No, I mean I knew it would happen eventually." He bites down on his lip ring, giving me a quick glance which is all I needed to know it still hurt him just a little. "You know what? You're right, I'll ask her out."

With that he gets up, running a finger through his hair and walking over towards the crew. Our lights guy John pats his back, cracking jokes with Luke as Hayley sorts through a box of cords. I check my phone again, a crashing sound making me look back up, of course Luke is on the fucking floor. Idiot.

"I'm sorry," he mumbles to Hayley who is just glaring at him hard. I walk away, not wanting to watch the rest of his crash and burn.

Thank god Vegas is a party place and there are bars everywhere. I stop and get another drink, walking towards the elevators. I can't stop myself from scanning every crowd I pass. I try to tell myself not to look for her, but my mind betrays me. By the time I get to the hotel room I am pissed, mostly at myself, and opening the door to Michael and Grace eating each other's frickin faces off doesn't help my case.

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