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Sort of a spoiler, but when you are reading the song please read each line, it just fits perfectly with their situation.

Maddie's POV

Pulling back my curtains, I squinted into the darkness of the night. At first I couldn't see anything, my eyes not yet adjusted to the blackness. Just as my eyes began to see the outlines of my yard, there was another soft thump against the window, making me jump back. Looking closer I saw a figure looking up at my window.

Oh my god it was a murderer, I was going to die. I sank to the floor, peeking over the ledge under my window, to prevent being seen even though my lights were out.

Wait no a murderer wouldn't want to be heard...and I'm on the second floor.

I glanced out again, my eyes slowly adjusting, making the figure turn from a blob to a tall boy. He had a beanie on his head, skinny jeans, and a t-shirt. I just stared, unable to make out his face.

I glanced at the clock; 11:53. I creaked slowly over to my door, peeking out across the hallway to make sure my mother's door was shut. She was asleep. I rushed down the hallway quietly, trying my hardest not to slip down the steps in the dark. Creeping up to the back window, I stared out into the backyard. The sliver of moonlight illuminated the face of the unknown figure.

It wasn't a murderer.

It was Luke.

He stood in the middle of the grass, looking up at my bedroom window, his acoustic guitar by his feet. I watched as he bit his lip, grabbing another pebble off of the ground and tossing it up there. I watched him running his hands through his hair before nervously shaking them in the air.

Before my mind could talk me out of it, I opened the back door. The humid summer air made me feel more suffocated than I already was.

When I walked out into the light I watched as his body stiffened, eyes widening, as if he didn't know quite what to do next. Luke pulled at his beanie, taking a deep breath.

"Hi Maddie," he managed to get out.

I just stood there, a loss for words. Luke was in my backyard. Luke came to my house to see me. Was I really awake right now?

"I know you probably don't want to talk to me," he glanced towards the gate, contemplating whether to leave or not. I watched as his face hardened, forcing himself to be brave. "I have to show you what I really feel. What I said when- all of the things I said about us that night, none of it was true."

I stared at him, "W-what do you mean?" I couldn't manage to say or think anything else. I was lost.

My mind was caught between what I knew to be true, and what I wished to be true.

"I'm not really good at words, I mean like talking," he mumbled nervously, bending over to pick up his guitar. I watched as he pulled it over him, resting the strap on his shoulder. My breathing hitched as he shakily turned some of the knobs before looking up at me. His eyes once again piercing into me, leaving me in a vulnerable state. "So I put it into a song," he raised his shoulders, waiting for me to stop him, but I didn't.

My mind reached the point where it was so overwhelmed with emotions, with contradicting thoughts, that it just shutdown. I sat down on the damp grass, tucking my bed hair to one side. I looked up at Luke, my face somewhere caught between sleepy confusion, wonder, and hurt.

For a moment Luke freezes, maybe he didn't expect that I would actually listen to him. He shuffled his way over to me, awkwardly looking at the ground. Luke sat down quietly across from me, a half a foot away.

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