Chapter 13- Finding A Job Monday, June 9, 2014

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I was at my car, waiting for Melly to finish getting ready to go home for the day. Except we're not going home, we're going to find a job. Again. So far we've tried to get a job in a lot of retail works and restaurants such as Red Lobster, Hollister, Abercrombie, Applebee's, etc. all of them denied me and Melly the job. Apparently, they're all full right now. Even if they weren't full, they need someone qualify for the job and I guess I'm not it. Melly, well, we all know her case. I desperately need a job so I can make the money to support the baby. I'm planning to go to Target right now and apply there. I would take the job even if it isn't the most entertaining one in mind.

"Please help me!" I said, looking at the sky above. I need all God's grace to help me with this one. Besides, working at Target isn't too bad. It has it's pleasant part to it. I bet Melly would be totally turned on seeing how well I can put groceries in a bag.

I lightly drummed on the steering wheel, getting startled when I heard a knock on the glass window. I turned to see that it was no other than Melly waving and smiling at me, waiting for me to unlock the door. I hit the lock button and she immediately opened the door and climbed inside.

"Thank you." Melly sang as she put on her seat belt.

"No problem. Job hunting?" I asked, seeing how tired her face looked. With all that happened today, I can say that I'm pretty tired myself. But this job is essential right now. Melly breathed as she nodded her head.

"Let's go." She sighed.

I smiled as I got us out of the school's parking lot. I turned to right, onto the road and turned on the radio to some pop song. I cringed as I heard the singer sings "shake it off, shake it off-off..". I was about to switch to the rock n' roll station, when Melly stopped me.

"I like this song." Melly explained, before closing your eyes in bliss.

I gave her a judgmental look before turning my head back towards the road. Why does she like this song? The world may never know. The car ride was quiet for a bit, when I spoke up.

"How was your day today?" I asked, looking at her for a bit and back to the front. I know how her day with, I was there; I just want to know how she's feeling right now.

"As I look at the day as a whole, it was honestly...entertaining." She laughs lightly at the end of her sentence. Now that's music to my ears. This may sound cheesy, but her smile is her best feature. It's powerful enough to light up a dark room. "I look back at now and think how stupid people are to react personally about a pregnancy that does not involve them. If I were them, I personally would go about my day as if nothing happened."

"Hey, at least you're famous! That's something to feel special about." I said, making her laugh again.

"And I'm only going to tolerate until next week when school is out." Melly cheered, pumping her fist in the air. Thank goodness. I was getting tired of school as each day goes by.

"Then school is going to be back and you're only going to be famous AGAIN for at least three weeks. Everyone has to be bored with picking on someone after that. If they do, shows you how much people at our schools really, really, really needs to get their own lives." I said, turning my blinker to the left to head into Target's parking lot.

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