Chapter 31- The Baby's Coming Friday, December 19, 2014

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Everything is perfect. That is, until I heard Melly gasp.

"What's wrong?" I asked, pulling out of our embrace, looking at her. I swear I didn't touch her inappropriately, so what's up with that sound? I saw her face beginning to pale as I searched over her body to see what caused her to react this way until I saw a brown liquid running down her leg. I felt a little woozy, but I managed to not passed out. Please tell me that's pee.

I looked back at her as she said in a softest voice ever, "My water broke."

I felt my face flush as soon as I heard those three words. I tried to collect my thoughts as I yet again, try my best not to faint. But can you blame me? I never experienced such things in my life, and while I have read as many parenting books in my hand, nothing would prepare me for this moment. "What should I do?" I asked, my voice full of panic.

I felt like slapping myself for asking such an idiotic question. She glared at me and grabbed my collar, "Well, you could get me to a hospital or, at least get me some help."

"Alright, alright." I said, getting out of her grip. "Let me just get my mom. Stay here."

Not like she has anywhere else to go in her condition.

I got up and looked at Melly as she winced of pain of the contraction that she's suffering.

"Hurry!" She cried.

I jumped and turned back around to find my mother talking with some of our relatives. I frantically tapped her shoulders.

"Derek, that was--" Mom said, but I cut her off.

"Mom, Melly's water broke!" I blantely stated, making the people hearing our conversation gasp. "We need your help into getting her to the hospital."

"Umm, uhh." She said. She turned her head to our family and said, "Excuse me."

I grabbed mom's arm and pulled her to Melly, where she's clutching her stomach in misery. I heard her whimpered as she looked up at us. Perfect, just perfect. The night was happy, go lucky until her water broke. There's nothing wrong with that as it just means that my son or daughter is going arrive very soon, but I just wanted her to leave the park with a smile on her face rather than be in pain.

"Melly, are you okay?" Mom asked. We both gave her a look so restated, "I mean, how are you holding in there?"

"Well, for someone who's having contractions." She grunted as another one hits.

"Um, okay. Derek, get your brother. You're both getting her to the hospital, while I make sure the guests leaves." Mom said.

I nodded my head. I ran off to get John, who was conversing with his girlfriend.

"Um, John." I said, tapping his shoulder. He turned to me as I proceeded to tell him the news, "Melly's water broke and we need you to drive us."

"What?" John said, before looking to his girlfriend, "Can she come with?"

I mentally groaned in my head, but I nodded. I normally don't want to be around her because of her attitude towards me, however this is an emergency. I waved my hand as we ran over to Melly. I held out my hand, to which she took and we fast walked our way to the park.

"What's going on?" Amy asked, alarmed by the way we're walking.

"The baby's coming! The baby's coming!" John yelled behind us.

Once John unlocked his car, Melly and I immediately stepped into the backseat as John and Debbie sat in in the front. I buckled both of us and then held her hands tight as another contraction hits.

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