Chapter 33- The Visitors Saturday, December 20, 2014

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The man smiled at with such proudness in his eyes. He walked closer to our family to be closer to us, but he doesn't make eye contact with anyone else, but me.

"Hi Derek." My father told me. He finally turned to the rest of the family, greeting them with a "hello" and vice-versa, before he turned back to look at his grandson. He covered his mouth as tears brimmed his eyes, clearly delighted to be privileged to be able to meet the infant. "He's so beautiful. Looks just like you, son."

"Thank you." I croaked.

I cleared my throat to fill in the tension in the room. At the moment, I'm trying to observe if this is a good idea. Sure, I'm doing this so my father can meet his only grandson and vice versa, however at the same time, I can't help, but feel the resentment I have towards the man for abandoning me and lying to me throughout all the years. I really am trying to forgive him, I'm just hoping this little meeting will help me do, just that.

"What's his name?" John asked, helping us out to relieve the awkwardness between all of us.

"Danny. It's short for Daniel." Melly informed.

Mom took the baby out of my fiance's arms without permission. I was about to argue with her about it, but I brushed it off once I realize that now is not the time and it's not so important anyway. I smiled as mother coddled the infant and cooed soft words in his ears. I can tell that she already fell in love with him the way we both did.

"I promised to spoil you in anyway I can." I heard her say.

"Oh, geez." Melly said, sarcastically, moving her eyes to the center and back to show she wasn't serious.

We all laughed her response. Danny got passed to his step-grandfather, who only held him in admiration. He was playing with his limbs, making funny faces at the baby before he passed him to John.

"Happy birthday, you little squirt." John greeted his nephew.

I rolled my eyes at how he is talking to my son. He's just talking to him as if he were a 7-years-old instead of an hour old. He's telling him all of the things he would let him do whenever he's over at his house such letting him eat crayons and running around with scissors. All I can do is laugh while shaking my head, because I know he is not serious. He's

"And if you ever want to call your father a bum, you may do so." John said.

"Ha ha." I said, rolling my eyes.

Two can play this game, bro; I will find a way to get back at you for that.

Danny got passed to my father, who had nothing, but joy in his eyes. He coddled the small boy in his arms, rocking it. He didn't hold back a tear as he continued to admired Danny the way any grandparent would about their grandchild. He's not saying anything, but I know he wants to. He just don't how to say it.

"He's just so beautiful." Dad commented again.

I just smiled as he continued to rock the infant in his arms before he gave him back to Melly.

"Hey, what about me?" Mia asked. "Can't hold the baby?"

Melly and I exchanged a look of concern. Mia is only four years old and as far as I know, she has no experience in holding children. While I do feel bad for leaving her out of meeting the baby, for my child's safety, it's best if we wait until we get home for Mia to hold Danny.

I took a deep breath before smiling down at my younger step sister. "Sorry, Mia. You're kind of too young to holding Danny." Seeing her pout, I added, "But you can play with him when we get home. If you want you can give him a kiss on the head."

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