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3rd person's pov :

Dee runs behind Beam with a glass of juice as she sees Beam walking out of king's room.

"Prince !" She calls Beam but he ignores her.

Dee runs fast in worry.

"PRINCE !" Dee drops the glass of juice in shock "Prince, what are you doing ?"

Beam again ignores her but soon he feels a grab on his wrist. He looks up with teary eyes. "Leave me alone."

Dee panics "Prince why are you rubbing your body like that ? It's re-opening your wounds."

Beam grits his teeth "It's dirty ! Can't you see ..  it's dirtyyyyy !"

"Prince , let me bring some water. The paste will wash away easily. You don't need to rub."  Dee replies without leaving Prince' wrist.

Beam shakes his head like a child "no ! It's dirty . I hate it . I....F..Forth hates it."
Tears rolls down from Beam's eyes.

Dee hugs Beam hurriedly. She knows Prince since his childhood but she has never seen prince's break down before.

"What happened Prince ? Tell me ! I am here ..." Dee pats on Prince's head though she doesn't feel it's a right thing to do yet Prince needs it.

Beam hides his face on Dee' shoulder "Why it's always me P'Dee ? Why is it that everytime I love someone they don't love me back ?"

Beam sniffs "why nobody loves me ? Why .... when I was freezing there nobody came to save me ? Why I haven't seen my family yesterday P' ? Why I was all alone .... "

Dee rubs on Prince's back "don't say like that Prince."

Beam shakes his head again like a child "have you seen my father p' ? Have you seen Per ? Nobody .. nobody came for me. And ...  Forth had to pity me at last ."

"No prince , King didn't pity you! Don't say like that ."

"He did !" Beam sniffs.

Dee sighs "he did not , Prince. You can be his best friend but I raised him since he was a kid. I know him better ."

Dee pulls Beam away from her to look at his face "and from what I know .. king Forth doesn't pity anyone. Either he loves or he hates."

Beam chuckles thinly "that's worse P'. Pity is better than hate. You are saying he hates me."

Dee looks at Prince with a warm smile "king Forth doesn't doubt his hate either, Prince."

Beam frowns. But then he looks at his hands as Dee points there. There his hands are still covered with a thick layar if tumeric paste.

Dee chuckles "Prince , you know when you said those words in the past , I didn't believe you for even one second . Neither do I believe it now.

But I have a feeling that king or Prince Forth found it hard to not to believe you. He can't help but ask you to leave because he didn't want to hurt you."

Beam looks at Dee for sometimes "I didn't lie . P'Dee. Why don't you trust me ?"

"I served Queen mother Mary for years , prince . I am not her personal maid anymore . But i used to once. I know her from blood to blood."

Have you not seen how she treated ex king in his dead bed ? She used to all the works of a maid . She used to feed him, bath him , clean him and all . She used to love ex King that much !"

Beam sighs "But I am not lying really."

Dee nods "I know you are not. You will never hurt king Forth with lies but you can misunderstand something too. Human makes mistakes. Nobody is always right."

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