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(The Rank -
1. Queen
2. Royal Consort
3. Concubine

● A king can have only one Queen (always female) who can give birth to crown prince and has most power in inner court (harem) after King.

Only a princess of any kingdom becomes Queen.

● A Royal Consort is someone (always male) whom King finds compatible as his life partner - romantically, sexually and politically. A royal consort can be considered as second king and can run the kingdom in king's absense. Royal consort has most power in King's court after King.

A king can have only one royal consort who becomes the god father of crown prince. Royal consort can be anyone another prince, minister, general, knight or common soldier etc.

(Between Queen & Royal Consort a King can have either one of them or both. )

● Concubines are the lowest of the rank and have no power. They can be bothe male or female and a king can have as many concubines as he wants.

But if a concubine gives birth to crown prince before queen then she can claim the position of queen mother in future. )


3rd person's pov :

Dave moans loudly as Andrew pushes inside him.

"Fuck !" Andrew groans. "Once more, baby ."

Dave humms tiredly "you ... didn't tell ... me ! What's ... the preparation for ?"

Andrew pulls Dave's hair. Dave moans again . "Focus here. Don' wander around."

Dave bites his lips "secrets ... are turn off."

"King will take Prince Sal as his royal consort day after tomorrow." Andrew hisses "your prince Beam can only be King's concubine after that."

Dave breaths hard "I know .... about marriage ... what's with tomorrow's ... food preparation... that asked me to do ? Why should I prepare so many items ...tomorrow ?"

Andrew sucks on Dave's neck to form a hickey before the removes himself from the top of Dave . "You are a turn off , now."

Dave raises his head a little "why the food ? You still .. didn't answer me ?"

"That's for queen mother. Princess Persia wants to pay a visit to queen mother. So she requested me for some of queen mother's favourites.

Dave frowns "Why she wants to visit queen mother ?"

"I don't know." Andrew sruggs "but we can't deny her. Can we ?"

Dave grits his teeth "Don't you have a little bit of shame ?"

Andrew growls "we are not having this talk again Dave. I told you I am doing this for both of us."

Dave climbs down the bed "No ! Not for both of us! You are doing it for yourself."

Andrew throws the robe at Dave "You know it deep inside that how good it will be to be a royal consort but you won't accept it. Whatever , I can still order you as the chief minister. Prepare the asked food tomorrow."


"What are you doing here ?"

Sal looks at Beam hearing his question "I came here to see."

Beam frowns "see what ?"

"See the place where I will live in two days . I mean the Imperial." Sal smirks.

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