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3rd person's pov :

Sal was happy. Very happy seeing Beam's confusion and hesitation to win the crown. So happy that he could do all his daily chores without any whinning , untill his eyes falls on his useless husband in the arena .

It's been almost week since his fate took a ugly turn and got stuck with a unwanted husband who doesn't even provide him the basic. But still he adjusted as his so called husband is too busy to interfare in his personal matter.

In these days he got the sum of Fazal's boring lifestyle. Waking up early at dawn, practice in the arena , shower and breakfast in room , attending the court , then lunch again in his room , practice again till evening in the arena then dinner.

Sal was a prince for twenty years of his life. even Forth is a prince. But neither he nor Forth has ever followed such strict rules. But it's good for Sal. Atleast he doesn't have to deal with Fazal this say. He stays far away from Fazal's daily life unless it is absolutely necessary to cross path. Like at this moment .

Sal needed to cross arena to reach his destination. He was prepared to ignore his husband on the way by looking at his direction when he heard a woman's laughter.

And it was almost a hjman reflex his eyes falls on his husband's back. Sal frowns. Isn't she the princess of Armada ? The finalist ! What was her name ?

Sal stops on his track. What is she doing here ?

"You promised me." Sal hears the playfull voice of the female.

"I know. I never break my promise , princess."

Sal frowns harder what promise ?

"Then teach me !" 

"I don't think that comes under my promise." Fazal's tone was not too serious adding to Sal's disliking. What  in the fucking promise ?

"Come on ! It's not like I am asking for some Jaturs secret. Just the technique."

"That technique is not something you learn in one day , princess."

"That's why I want to start now. I will come again tomorrow. I will come untill I learn it completely."

Sal subconsciously hides behind a piller. He was just thinking about what the topic of their conversation could be , when he saw Fazal taking his bow and four arrows in his one fist.

Princess of Armada follows Fazal's deeds. She also took four arrows in one fist but not in a sophisticated way.

Fazal raises his bow and draws four arrow at once. And in the blink of an eye the arrows hit four targets perfectly.

Sal looks at the target. He can do this technique with two arrows but not with four. And the way princess Armada held the arrows just now , he highly doubt she can do with two either. He smirks.

Fazal looks at Princess with an raised eyebrow "draw !"

"You are not helping prince. If I could do it, I wouldn't ask you." Again that laughter like she was complaining and whinning to her lover.

Fazal laughes too. He stands behind princess. His covers princess's small fisr containing arrow with his right palm. "Don't grip your fist two tightly. If you do that the arrows will gain too much angle and get far from each other. Loose your fist . Try to keep the arrow as close as possible."

Sal grits his teeth. So his husband's life not as boring as he thought it was.

Fazal holds Princess other arm to lift the bow a little. "Draw on my count , together ok ?"

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