Cursed Crown

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3rd person's pov :

Welcome contestants for the semi finale of queen crowns. Fiirst we congratulate our semi-finalist Kingdoms which are kingdom- Armada , kingdom- ign round for evryone. EveGohamine, Kingdom-Sakurai and kingdom- Balanovisk.

These kingdoms has successfully cleared our first three rounds of queen's crown. And we wish them well in the 4 th round of queen's crown which is a round of intelligence. 

You all know this is a complete different round for every year. Each year we come up with different games to test the intelligence of our participants. This year is also not an exception. So , here we describe our new game .. listen briefly......

In our capital Portulika we have placed some crowns here and there. What our contestants have to do is find those crowns. Once you spot the any one of the crown , you have to take and place it on your hair. 

The after you place the crown , you need to search for your crown jewels. Now we don't know where it is , so we are not gonna tell you this. You have to search for your own crown jewels and take it.

After you collect both the items you have to bring them to the judges. That's it. You task is finished. But , but, but it's not that easy. You will get only one insense of time to finish the task.

Anyone who comes after one insense with be disqualified from the competition. If all four of the participants comes back in time the judges will select the two finalist based on 'who has successfully finished the task minimum times.'

Beam listens to the instructions carefully. One insense means he doesn't have much time to waste. He looks at other three princess standing beside him then he looks at Dave who is sitting at the judge's seat along with Lia and Andrew. It was the fourth judge who announced the rule.

Beam takes a deep breath. His back still hurts. If he had any idea that they would annouce 4th task only three days after Sal's marriage, he would have stopped Forth from doing anything in bed. But now he can't do anything. He can't even run. How will he do his search ?

"Is there any queries from the participants?" The old judge asks loudly.

Everybody shakes their head.

"Then , let's start in 3 .... 2.... 1... now."

The other three runs as soon as the judge says now. Beam widens his eyes. He has never seen any princess running this fast before. Wow ... they really wants to the empress of Portulika.

Beam sighs. Since Sal has said those kind of things to him three days ago. He has started to question his decisions. Joining the crown , fight with princesses , raising a concubine's baby. He never thought of having this kind of future. Why he feels like he has come lower when Forth is still in his place with all his glory ?

Wasn't it his dream to rule Balanovisk and be a wonderful King and standing head to head beside Forth ? When did it change to becoming Forth's consort ?

Is it really love what he feels for Forth or the is it just the longing of years ?

"Contestant from Kingdom Balanovisk, you have only half insense of time left !"

Beam comes back to his sense as he hears the anxious voice of Dave. He blinks. Shit ! What is he doing ? He can think latter. Beam looks at the stage and gives a subtle nod to the judges before leaving the field.

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