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3rd person's pov :

"What do you want from me?" Sal asks after Beam sits in front of him in his room.

"Everything that you know about queen mother." Beam states firmly.

Sal smirks "Once my step mother taught when you are in water , you shouldn't fight with the crocodile. In my palace , my step mother was the crocodile. In Portulika palace Queen mother is the crocodile."

Beam frowns. But he didn't interrupt.

"When you accused queen mother of killing ex.Prince's wife , I knew you were right. I was sure she actually did it and I also knew why she did it , but I didn't support you because you were fighting with the crocodile."

Beam frowns harder. "Sal .... you are being vogue."

Sal shakes his head "I am not. I ... my biological mother died when I was five. My father married a concubine only three months after my mother's death.

I was a kid. I didn't like someone replacing my mother. So I protested. But ... that concubine pretended .. pretended to be by good mother. She did not gave me food for weeks then she cried in front of my father saying I have thrown away her homemade food in gutter.

She broke vase after vase on me then blamed me for involving in illegal fights. After two years of suffering I understood I can never win against her. If I want to live , I have to co-operate with her with or without my will.

You know I was desparate to leave my palace forever when I first set my foot in Portulika. It was an invitation of Forth's birthday. Sal chuckles. I was happy, I wouldn't see my step mother for a whole week.

But my happiness disappeared as soon as I saw queen mother. Maybe, it was my instinct but I knew she was a crocodile too. Even worse than my step mother if it's possible.

So I started to co-operate with her too, unconsciously. I started to follow her , please her , oil her and all that. In course of following I accidentally saw her with ex. Prince. They were having an affair.

Ex. Prince was madly in love with her. But I was sure she was not. Because I saw her fighting , resisting, and shouting at ex. Prince calling him emotional fool."

Beam takes a deep breath. "So ...

"So .. When you said you heard them , I believed you. But I didn't want to spoil my fake relationship with crocodile. Also I was jealous of you. Your mother also died when you were young. But your father never married again. It was easy for you to lose Forth and Portulika palace. But for me, this palace was my only freedom. So I didn't blame her like you."

"You did it today . You blamed her."

"I did because I suddenly realised my goal is fulfilled. I don't need to pretend to like her anymore." Sal chuckles.

"Your goal ?" Beam asks in confusion.

"Do you think my father replaced me from crown prince position because I drugged a glass of wine ?" Sal asks back.

"That sounded so sudden and weird when I first heard it."

"Because It was just an useless excuse. He would have replaced me one day in one way or another. I knew it too. That's why I was so desperate to secure my place here in Portulika palace.

If I say you honestly, I have never loved Forth, I just wanted my freedom. And the only way to achieve my freedom was to marry Forth. I was so angry when I failed to marry Forth. I thought I lost my freedom.

But then I got maaried to P'Fazal." Sal looks at Fazal's sleeping face. "At first I didn't realised that I escaped my palace , I have secured a position in Portulika palace in this way too. I still wanted to have Forth. But as the days goes by, I .....

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