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3rd person's pov :

"P'Dee !"

Andrew shouts as soon as he sees Dee walking out of the old wing of the palace.

Dee turns around hearing the call "Minister Andrew ?"

Andrew almost runs towards Dee "I have something to ask you."

Dee frowns but she waits minister Andrew to catch up.

Andrew huffs as soon as he reached in front of Dee . "P'Dee I heard prince Fazal is not queen mother's real son and King's real borther !"

Dee widens her eyes "where did you hear this ?"

"King and queen mother was talking and I didn't eavesdrop. They talked in front of me." Andrew adds seeing Dee's reaction.

Dee blinks "yes ! Prince Fazal is son of ex. King's brother."

Andrew frowns "What happened to Ex. King's brother ?"

"He was sentenced to death." Dee informs.

Andrew gasps "Why ?"

Dee looks around "I can't tell you all that here. Also I need to make some medichine for prince Beam. He is having a fever."

"Fever ? We have crown's second round tomorrow."

"I know ! That's why I need to make the medichine as fast as possible." Dee explains in worry.

"Or he can simply quit !" A drew suggests.

"If someone quits the crown' deliberately then they have to walk on burning coal as he /she will be considered as a convict for insulting Crowns." Dee hisses.

Andrew sruggs "so what ? King will get his revenge. Prince Beam will save his kingdom. All fair." .

Dee looks at Andrew in disbelieve "Minister Andrew I heard before that you are shelfish and cruel but now I can see it. I was expecting better from you that' why I decided to tell you the past. But I should've known."

Andrew frowns. He doesn't agree with Dee's acquisition "ok ! Fine . Let me tell you a secret . If Prince Beam quits it's not him who have to walk on coals . It will be his sister as he was participating on her behalf."

"Then let me tell you , prince Beam is not like you. He would die before pushing his sister on burning coals." Dee almost growls in anger.

"If your prince Beam is really that good then what did he do to end up like this ?" Andrew asks in frustration. He doesn't like Dee comparing himself to Prince Beam.

Dee sighs. "ex. King's brother was sentenced to death because he killed his own wife but Prince Beam..."

Dee looks around to be sure that nobody was eavesdropping "Prince Beam accused that it was not Ex. King brother who killed his wife. It was queen mother who committed the murder."

Andrew's eyes almost bulges out of his skull "WHAT ?"

"Hussshhh ! Don't shout." Dee whispers.
"It's the truth. Prince Beam said queen mother Mary killed her."

"Whyyyy ?" Andrew whispers back.

"He said he heard her talking with ex. King's brother. Maybe, he misunderstood something. He was only a boy back then. Queen mother was ready to forgive him but ...

But prince was so stubborn to accept his mistake and constantly blamed queen mother and caller her murderer. The whole situation was a mess. Gossip spreaded like fire and Ex. King being in comma didn't help.

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