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3rd person's pov :

"Done ! All set." David walks in his cabin while assuring Beam .

Beam grins "I am sorry to ask you to do this... but thanks ."

David chuckles " ask me to do what ? Sleep with Andy ?"

Beam rolls his eyes "I never mentioned to sleep with him . I just asked you to convince him ."

"And I convinced him like that ." David replies "he was asking several questions .. like why am I worried about new servant of queen mother , when I became friend with my neighbour , why my neighbour wants to work as a slave ,why didn't he see my neighbour before."

"But eventually, he agreed to appoint my neighbour and our spy as a new maid of queen mother."

Beam claps his hands. "You are awesome."

"Are you not ? Using queen mother own tricks on herself ?"

Beam grins "I knew it . She is desparate now. And she will make mistakes now. And just like that to set a spy on me , she broke her own defence. She send away her most trusted maid."

"But Beam , you are overlooking a point here. Kit is a boy. He needs to be a girl to gain complete access of queen mother's room."

Beam nods "I know . And that' why I need to mewt him . But with that spy , Bobo , Forth... it's impossible to go out."

David sighs "did king beat you last night ?"

Beam frowns "huh ?"

"Why do you have fingermarks on your chin. Like someone has grabbed your chin pretty hard."

Beam pouts "I provoked Forth to give a flase impression of our fight to the spy. And when she left , Forth was out of control .. so the marks..."

"What do you mean by out of control ? What happened ?"

Beam blushes "nothing ... Bobo was there too. He has good timing."


"What's the news ?"

"Dead !"

The person who asked the previous question ,smiles wickedly "So my poision is working ! Good good!"

"Any further instruction?"

"Get out. And don't come here again until you get my owl." Angry loathing voice made the informer tremble.

The informer bows and runs out of the room .

"Now ; what will you do dear queen mother ? The mother of entire portulika kingdom ? You will die .. so will your son ; your grandson and also the famous saviour your son ... "


"Good ! You look like a girl now." Beam sighs . "You know what you have to do , right ?"

"1st gain queen mother's trust. Have access to her room. Search her room when she is not around . And report it to you by our secret code." Kit replies with determination. "Don't worry ! I got this."

Beam nods . "Now go ! We need to go back too. Queen mother's spy will wake up soon."

"She will not. I mixed a good amount of sleeping draught in her food." David whispers.

"Still.... we can't take risks."


Forth looks at the courts paper with a gloomy face. He didn't like what Beam said yesterday . He didn't like how relieved Beam looked when Bobo entered the room .

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