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3rd person's pov :

"But how can I win , if you don't tell me what's going to happen in last two tasks ?" Persia asks Beam with frown.

Beam sighs "Per, you said you can carry on from this stage of competition."

Persia shakes her head "that's because I thought you will tell me what I have to do and I will follow. You never said that you would push me into the sea and ran away like this."

"I never said that I know what the upcoming tasks is ."

"Well, you should've known as you are one of the finalists. You must have some strategies." Persia replies in disbelieve.

"Oh come on , Per." Beam sighs " whatever it is, I am leaving , if you don't want to participate then we will prepare our troops."

"You can't give up after comming so far." Persia shouts .

Beam looks at Persia in disbelieve "guess what I will. If you have that much desire to be the queen then complete on your own."

"Oh ! Now I get it. You are jealous . You don't want me to be the queen of biggest kingdom . Because if I become queen of Portulika , you will be under me. Who will care for the king of small kingdom like Balanovisk ." Persia shouts.

"Shut up ! You are insulting your motherland . Don't you have 1% of brain ?"

"Ok stop it." King Bek sighs. "Just ... just tell me why do you want to leave suddenly Beam ? Did anyone said anything to you ? Did anyone here insult you ?"

"Insult ?" Persia scoffs "father look at him. He is staying in North wing , in the biggest and most luxurious room of Portulia palace . He is eating royal food. He is roaming around the palace as his wish . Which part of it looks like an insult ?"

"What's the commotion?"

Beam tastes sour as soon as he here the voice from the entrance of his room. The last person he wants to hear now is queen mother.

"Queen mother , good morning ." Persia bows happily to her would be mother in law. Then her eyes falls on the figure beside her . She bows again with a blush "Good morning , King Forth."

Beam looks at the door as soon as he hears Forth's name . He eyes catch Forth's eyes.

"Good morning , Princess Persia." Queen mother walks in the room . "What happened ? We could hear your voice from outside ."

"That's my brother ..."

"Nothing serious ." Beam's father cuts her daughter in the middle . "It's just Beam wants Persia to take over the crown competition. Beam has left Balanovisk way too long. Afterall, he is the prince . He needs to go back ."

Forth raises his eyebrow hearing the news. So Beam came up with an alternative of war. "Then, that's a good decision. What's the problem here ?"

"Persia doesn't ... she hasn't completed in any competition before. She is affraid that she will disappoint me and her brother." King Bek replies before his any children could open their mouth.

Queen mother smiles. She is so happy with Forth's reply that she wants to jump "Persia , my daughter .. don't worry. I am sure you will win."

Persia shines with her eyes "Queen mother , it's not like I don't want to fight but I am a little weak physically. I caught cold few days ago. Now ...if P'Beam withdraws how will be ever be the queen ?"

Forth looks at Persia with almost a mocking eyes . "Then it's upto you Princess Persia . You should convince your brother , if you want to stay in competition."

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