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3rd person's pov :

Queen mother and Sal runs behind Forth while Forth draggs Beam along the hall towards the imperial.

"Forth ! STOP !" Queen mother shouts "What are you trying to do ?"

Forth turns around to face his mother "I will lock him up in Imperial with me , mother. That room has no windows , no gaps , no balcony. He wouldn' even see sky untill the crown finishes."

Sal frowns with the logic "but Forth sending Beam in imperial is not a punishment. Imperial is the most lavish room of Portulika palace. People might misunderstand...."

Beam looks at Forth expression. He is confused too.  Forth wants to Put him in Imperial - the biggest and most lavish room of Portulika palace.  That room is only used by king & queen while they becomes intimate for a heir.

"This is not a punishment Forth. How long will he be locked ? Also Imperial is our ancestral place which is very private to Jaturs." Beam comes out of his thoughts hearing Queen mother's voice.

"I don't care mother. You are more important than any ancestral room to me. I can't let your life be risked. Today he burned his own room . Tomorrow he will ....." Forth stops his own sentence.

"But Forth ......"

"Don't worry Sal ! You can sleep in my room peacefully , I will be around him from now on. It's the best way to stop him ." 


Sal stomps inside Queen mother's room with teary eyes "why ? Why did you do this ? When you said you'll take care of Beam , you meant this ?"

Queen mother who already had a worried face looks at Sal annoyed "oh come on ! Don't be dramatic. I didn't do it."

"That's for others to know. Don't hide from me. After a long effort Forth was finally spending his time with me. He was sharing his room with me. But what now ? He is again sympathetic to Beam ?" Sal shouts .

Queen mother sighs. She doesn't want to deal with Sal now. She already has a lot in her plate "Sal , can you please leave ? I am already confuse about what is happening ..

I didn't put fire on Beam's room. I am not a fool. My room is just in front of his room . If I had put the fire , I wouldn't stay in my room."

Sal scoffs. This woman is something else. She doesn't even confess to her own shadow , confessing to Sal is out of topic "then tell me, now what ?"

"What , what ?"

"You said Forth will choose a princess from Queen's crown and she will be the Queen. She will give birth to crpwn prince. And I will be Forth's imperial consort. I will be Forth's soulmate and guide him as a life partner. What about that ?" Sal complains.

"Yes ! That will happen."

Sal chuckles "I don't think so , Queen mother. The way it is going I feel like Beam will be Forth's imperial consort
, not me."

"You can't talk with mother like that ?"

Queen mother looks at the door hearing a familiar voice "Fazal !"

Fazal enters the room "I just heard the news. Brother is in Imperial so I thought I should meet you."

Queen mother nods "where were you ?"

Fazal grins "west wing !"

Queen mother glaresat Fazal "you aren't wasting your time with concubines ?are you ?"

Fazal shakes his head with a chuckle and sits on the sofa beside Queen mother. His eyes falls on Sal who is standing in front of them.

"Sal I can assure you mother didn't do it. Mother isn't a fool. If she had actually done it , then Beam wouldn't get away with it."

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