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(One thing , you all should know about history is ... that nobody is hero here. Some are black ! Some are grey. Noone is white.

That's my warning. Because when it comes to historical fiction, I write it as close to reality as it is . So oviously it's different than some other historical bls.

As I say ..
History contains 3D .
Dark , Deep & Dirty secrets .
This is just my version of 3D😉)


3rd person's pov :

The guards bow as David stands outside the door with a tray food in his hand. "Head chef !" They calls.

David nods and signs them to open the door. The guards follows. They knows head chef needs no permission to enter this room.

David walks in the room only to find Andrew doing some paper works on his table. He controls his emotions and walks towards the table.

"I have decided to put this item on crowns for the participants to cook. I need all judges approval. "  David says in a  calm tone.

Andrew didn't look up from his papers "I thought you will need prince Beam's approval nit the judges."

David stays silent. They already had a fight when Beam announced his decree. Andrew wanted him to back off. But he refused. He can't Beam's life is in danger.

"Have you got the dinner for prince Beam ? Or going to go in his room at last and stay there in the name of dinner ?" Andrew asks leaving the paper . He looks at David this time. But as soon as he sees David , his blood boils.

"Taste it ! I have other jobs to do." David replies . He has sent the dinner to Beam but he doesn't feel the need to explain himself to Andrew.

"Why are you wearing this cloths ?" Andrew stands up .

David blinks . he knows Andrew doesn't like this particular white cloths on him. The robe is too much body hugging and shows every curves of his body. Yet , he doesn't know why he wanted to wear this cloth while comming in this room.

Yes ! He wore it only to come to Andrew. He wasn't wearing it before. Maybe because , he still has some hopes on their relationship.  He still thinks not everything between them were false.


David comes out of his thoughts hearing Andrew's shout "that's ... none of your business . Taste the dish . So that I can leave ..."

Andrew growls "do hell with you dish . Change the clothes now."

David rolls his eyes "You are chief minister of Portulika Andrew . Not my personal designer . You can't .. ahh wait .."

David yelps as Andrew suddenly grips his arms tightly and drags him away from the table. "Andy... it hurts.."

Andrew grits his teeth and pushes him in front of him. He looks at the pale bare shoulder as the white robe has fallen off from David's body. "A SUDDEN PUSH AND YOU ARE HALF NAKED. WHAT ARE YOU THINKING TO WEAR THIS CLOTH AROUND THE PALACE ?"

David pulls the robe above his shoulder "you don't owe me any answer. Taste the food. I need to give dinner to Beam."

"YOU ARE NOT LEAVING THIS ROOM UNTILL YOU CHANGE YOUR ROBE. I DON'T CARE IF YOUR PRINCE BEAM STAYS HUNGRY FOR WHOLE NIGHT !" Andrew shouts  while pulling David by this elbow dragging towards the closet.

David jerks his hands away in the midway "oh Really ? And who is going to stop me ? YOU ?"

Andrew fist on David's hair "Don't. Anger. Me. Dave."

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