The Queen

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I pushed her. I pushed Persia from the second floor of the Portulika palace. I can be hero and give excuses like I was scared, we were fighting .. she slipped and all that.

But that wouldn't be the truth. The truth is I was completely aware what I was doing. I knew she was not going to spare Yibo even if I would've jumped. Yibo was the only witness of her crime. So, I chooses sacrificing one life instead of two.

I patiently waited untill she came towards the edge herself while threatening me then it was easy as she never expected her innocent brother would kill her.

But her brother did. He even made eye contact with her when she fell down.

Yes ! I watched her until her head hit the ground then I pulled Yibo out of his binding. I hugged Yibo. I felt relieved. I felt happy. I didn't feel sad. I didn't even felt a single drop of regret for what I did. But I couldn't let Forth to know that. So I cried. I cried as soon as I heard steps comming towards us. 

I guess that's makes me an evil. But when there is a choice between wrong and something very much wrong ... what would you choose ?

I choosed wrong. And that's how I fulfilled the curse of Queen's crown which is now in Dave's hand. In few minutes it will be on my head.

It's been six months since all the incidents happened. Royena called off from the competition, Persia's funeral took place in Balanovisk, fake Queen mother found dead in dungeon and Andrew buried his newly found mother. It took six months for everything to get back to normal.

Everything is going back to as it was slowly. Yibo has been chatty, Andrew has been devoted to Dave, Even there is something good going on between Sal and Fazal. Sal is being caring towards Fazal. Fazal is being fragile to Sal. And lastly, I am back to being Forth's Bibi again.

"Nervous ?"

I was in my thoughts when I heard Forth whispering near my ear.

I look at my side "why would I ?"

"You seem lost."

I smile thinly. I am thinking about Persia. I have been thinking about the curse. I have never been a superstitious person before but now I can't help.

To be honest, I don't even want to wear that crown. But refusing to wear that crown is not an option. If I refuse, I have to explain why ... which I can't do.

"You are going to announce me the winner of the crown ?" I asked him finally.

"Yes , I would."

I sighs "But Royena backed off. I didn't win. Isn't there any way in which we can skip the crown ?"

He looks at me funny "no .. and Royena backed off means you are the winner. Why make things negetive?"

I sigh again. Because that crown is negetive. " Because I don't like the idea of crowns. It's so vulger and desparate kind of game for some conceited king's."

Forth widens his eyes "hey, that's hursh."

I argued even though I know there is no way out "but that's the truth."

"Uncle, I am going to call you father from today."

I look down as Yibo pulls my robe from down. I smile. "Call me anything you want Bo."

Yibo grins at me "ok father.."

I smile again. I may have taken the worng path but everytime I see Yibo's face I know I can even burn in hell for him. How can this happen ? How can I love a child of my lover's concubine this much ?

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