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3rd person's pov :

David opens the front door of his house with a deep frown. He wasn't expecting any guest until midnight.

"Hello !" Andrew walks in the house as soon as David opens the door.

"I thought you will come after midnight." David asks while closing the door.

"Prince Salamandor will be late. He hasn't crossed Portulika's border yet. So I came before. Where is uncle ?" Andrew turns around to face David.

"You came to meet father ?" David asks.

"Yes ! I need to know something. Where is he ?"

"Paxton's house. He goes there every night for evening gossip." David replies calmly.

"Paxton ? The ex. Head soldier of Portulika ?"

David nods."Yes ! He will be back at midnight I guess."

Andrew sighs "ok ! Bad luck then ! See you tomorrow. "

David glares at Andrew with teary eyes "You really came here after almost four months to see my father ? Seriously Andrew ?"

Andrew frowns "No Dave , I wanted to see you too. But I have no time. I can't just fuck you now."

David pushes Andrew on the chest "I am not talking about fuck !"

Andrew sighs again "what else Dave ? We see each other everyday. We fucking work in same palace ? What else is there to do ?"

David looks at Andrew in disbelieve "when you were just a general of king , then also we used to work in same palace but you came to see me everyday."

"Time has changed. I am now chief minister. I have thousand things to do. I am not just staying in kitchen and cooking all day ." Andrew spats. He is getting a headache.

Tears escapes from David's eyes "So you are saying you can't meet me personally anymore."

"I am not saying that. I told you I will come tomorrow. "

"You will come to meet my father not me." David shouts.

Andrew groans "it's not different. You will be here too."

David sighs in despair "I am a fool. You used me. You used me to climb on your goal."

"You cares about your palace gossip too much." Andrew spats "If I had used you , I would've abandoned you long ago."

David chuckles with tears "no ! You wouldn't. You wouldn't abandon me untill my father is alive. You will leave your route clear to ask advice from my father."

Andrew closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before looking at David's devastated face "Do you love me ?"

David looks up at Andrew's eyes.

"Suppose I used you to climb the ladder. Then do you still love me ?" Andrew asks again.

David chuckles again. "You aren't accepting it . Are you ?"

Andrew smiles. "I think it's the time , since you have guessed so far."

David looks at Andrew in fear "It hurts so much. Deny it . Even if it's s lie just say you didn't use me. Please .. Andy, say you will marry me, love me , cherish me even after my father ....

"Do you still love me ?" Andrew asks again cutting David's rants.

David falls on the ground "I...I do."

Andrew smiles "I used you. But it's not my fault. It's completely your fault. You were fool enough to let yourself be used. If I hadn't , somebody else would."

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