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3rd person's pov :

What is impossible for you ?"

Beam gulps .

David thanks Beam internally for giving him the booksack before. David has already dropped the books underground and closed the lid. So , king doesn't know about his secret entry. Or does he ?

"David was complaining about an concubine."

David comes out of his thoughts hearing Prince Beam's voice.

"What is it ?"

Beam slowly stands up from the floor "one of the concubine participants is trying to seduce your chief minister Andrew to make a way for queen's crown. David is worried for his lover."

David widens his eyes . They were not talking about this. Of course , he had said this topic to Beam before when he was too upset. He puked all his worry to Beam but he never wanted to complain about Andrew.

"Is that so ?"

David looks at King as he asks for the conformation from David.

David bites his lips. He is sorry to Andrew but there is no other way. He nods.

"I asked him to eliminate that concubine but he said that's impossible as she is performing her tasks good." Beam continues. 

Forth frowns "It is completely possible. You can eliminate her. Trying to seduce a judge is breaking the rules of Crowns. Eliminate her and ask her median to perform the punishment. "

David widens his eyes. "King ... that's not ... "

"It's my decree. Announce it to that concubine. " Forth states while walking into room.

Beam smiles at David. He nods subtly. He once heard it from David's father that the easiest lie to tell are the true ones. He remembers it. David's father was the most diplomatic, intelligent qualified chief minister he has ever seen. If he had his eyesight till now....

"Your decree will be announced.  Thank you for the justice King. The servant shall take his leave." David bows to king then he turns to bow to Beam .

Beam nods . He doesn't like Dave bowing to him but....

Forth looks as David walks toeards the gate " chef David , did you inform Prince Beam about the tired task of Queen's crown . Only two days are remaining . I don't think he knows about it."


Beam looks at Forth's cold face after David leaves the room almost trembling in fear. "What is the reason ? Couldn't you tell me yourself about the third task ?"

"No ! I couldn't. Since he had the time to complain about other judge then he should have the time to perform his own judge duty."

Beam sighs . He doesn't know why but these days everytime he talks with Forth, he gets headache. But this time Froth has reason to be angry "For...

"His Majesty!"

Beam stops as four guards knowtows in front the gate while opening it wide. What the hell !

"What the hell ?" Forth shouts furiously.

"His Majesty ! Concubine Rava, her returned from hometown but generals are not letting her in. These guards needs your order."

Forth frowns "what happened speak clearly .."

One guard looks up to meet King's eyes then he look sideways to Prince Beam.

Beam blinks.

"Speak !" Forth orders again ignoring the sign.

"Concubine Rava left the palace six years ago saying she wants to devote her life in pilgrimage. She came back."

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