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3rd person' pov :

Beam glares at Forty with teary eyes "what have you done ?"

Forth tries to hold Beam's wrist "I am sorry na..."

"Stay away from me !"

"Beam , I swear there was something in the wine." Forth pleads in distress.

"So what ? I was not in my sense and you in front of Yibo ...."

"Yibo was asleep." Forth sighs.

"I was not . I heard you beating uncle. Uncle even said please to you . You didn't listen. You are a bad king." Yibo folds his arm. He is sitting beside Beam on the bed.

Forth growls in frustration. "Bo ... father is sorry na..."

Yibo turns his head around "say sorry to uncle."

"Then Bo .. baby why don't you go and play with your fish ? And give father some privacy to talk with uncle ?"

Yibo frowns "No ! You will beat uncle again."

Forth growls louder. He loves the introvert Yibo more. But these days Yibo is changing. He is comming out of his shell slowly and he somehow hates it.

"Beam ...."

"Shut up !" Beam shouts.

"Beam I promise I didn't do anything of that short."

"I .. why I am feeling it ?" Beam asks while giving a side glance at Yibo.

Forth clears his throat. How can he talk about this when Yibo is listening. Forth looks at Beam then slowly raises his left hand waving his fingers.

Beam blushes scarlet red. He clears his throat too. "Yibo ... go play with uncle Dave . Uncle Beam .. will scold your father now."

"I will scold father with you."

Forth sighs "Yibo if you go now, I will give you....

"No bribe !" Beam cuts Forth's words. "Bo ...  first let uncle scold father then you will . Now off you go."


Beam hits slaps Forth's hand which has touched his wrist as soon as Yibo left. "I am still angry at you."

Forth smiles and pulls Beam by his wrist "I just used my finger , I didn't do it without your consent even when you begged me for the whole night. Come on ...accept my apology." .

Beam rolls his eyes "My ... nipples are hurting too."

Forth grins "those were so erect last night I couldn't control."

Beam pouts "perv ..."

"Oh ho ! You behaved like a whore last night and I am perv ?" Forth asks.

Beam huffs "who drugged me ?"

"That's what I want to know Beam. Do you remember anything .." Forth asks seriously this time.

I took wine from three people last night . Your brother , Chief minister Andrew and............

"And ?" Forth asks .

"I don't know the last person. She was a maid. Short , dark ... and with not so good cloths .. I mean she was not wearing the cloths which Portulikan maid usually wear."

"If she is not wearing Portulikan uniform then she is not our maid. Who was she ?"

"I don't know. My glass was empty and she just came with a new glass and I was completely sober before that glass." Beam whispers.

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