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3rd person's pov :

"You can't go back now ! It's finale time."

Beam looks at Persia in disbelieve "Don't be a foolish Per. Even if I say and win crowns , he isn't going to marry you, Ever."

Persia stomps her feet "He will. If you win and you don't want to marry him. He will have only one option which me."

"Are you reallly that desperate Per ? He doesn't love you."

"He will eventually. After marriage love happens eventually. Men are weak to the sense of owning. Once he owns me as his wife , he will not let me go."

Beam chuckles before walking out of Persia's room. "You have gone mad Per."


'There is no need to misbehave. I am just here to see him. I will be back to douth wing after I meet him."

Sal folds his hands in front of his chest "Don't you unserstand simple words ? Are you dumb ?"

"It's urgent. I need to meet him. Can you atleast tell me who are you ? Are you his guard ?"

A vein pops in Sal's head hearing those words "guards ? Do I look like a guard ?"

"What happened ?" Beam walks towards the two people standing ahead of him. He heard the fight as soon as he left Per's room. But he is surprised to see it's Sal fighting with Royena .

Royena smiles cheerfully as soon as she sees Beam "Prince Beam!" Royena bows a little.

Beam follows the order too. "Princess Royena ! What are you doing here at this hour ? It's already midnight."

"I have some urgent business with defence minister Fazal. I just came here to meet him but this boy ...." Royna points at Sal.

Beam looks at Sal who hasn't talked with him yet. After his last argument with Sal , he almost forgot that Sal lives in same palace too.

"This is prince Salamandor. You know his name. Right ?" Beam first decides to introduce Sal. Sal looks much younger than his actual age but introducing him as boy will be an insult.

Royena raises her eyebrow "Prince Salamandor who tried to drug king."

Sal grits his teeth. "Yes ! That one. Now leave."

Royena looks at Sal irritated "I don't think I will. I need to talk with Fazal. Who the hell are you to stop me ?"

"Don't you have a little bit of shame ? You are fighting for crown ! Yet , you are trying to be complete slut to king's brother !" Sal shouts.

Beam widens his eyes "SAL !"

Royena huffs "Leave it Beam. I don't expect anything more from him."

Sal scoffs "Look .. whatever your name is ... I don't care if you win or lose crown. Fight with him. Play push and pull with his boyfriend." Sal points at Beam.

"But stay away from my husband . Otherwise , don't blame me for being my worst version to you." Sal hisses.

Beam frowns. He has seen Sal angry before but Sal rarely loses his calm like this. And that he is doing it for Fazal ? Doesn't he hates Fazal ?

Men are weak to the sense of owning. Persia's voice rings in Beam's head.

Royena looks kind of shocked at Sal's outbrust "husband ? Weren't you married to a minister as the punishment of drugging the wine?"

"Fazal in defence minister of Jatars Kingdom." Beam gains his voice back finally "You know Fazal personally?"

"Of course I know.  Oh here he is." Royena poits at the outer hall "Prince Fazal!" Royena calls.

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