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3rd person's pov :

"What is it ?" Beam asks again. "What is cursed crown ?"

Forth sighs "I told you. It's just a superstitious believe. And it has nothing to do with reality."

"I am not talking about that. Tell me what is the belief? Hurry !" Beam sits in front of Forth in excitement. The more Forth denies the more he is gets excited.

"Well , I can tell you but ... promise me , you will not connect yourself with those superstitions! You and I .... we are different. Ok ?" Forth warns.

Beam scoffs irritated "just tell me."

Forth nods then takes a deep breath "well, this story starts with my great grandfather. You may have heard his name -Fahen Jaturaphoom."

"That one who was obcessed with diamonds ?" Beam asks.

"Yes ! Him. He used to love diamonds more than his life. So, when it came to select his bride , he declared a decree. He said he would marry someone who had same love for diamond as him irrespective of any gender , age , looks and status.

Which meant any person from whole Jaturs kingdom and other kingdoms were eligible for his bride from 80 year old grandpa to 5 year old baby. That created a choas all over. Everybody demanded he or she loved diamonds."

"Of course !" Beam agrees. "Then ?"

"Then my great grandfather came up with an idea. He declared a competition name "Queen's Crown" and asked all competitors who wanted to be his bride, to make their own crown with diamonds. THE QUEEN' CROWN.

and whoever would make the best crown, whould be his bride and the queen of Jaturs kingdom."

Beam nods "I have read it the book you gave me when I first participated. That's how queen's crown started for the first time. And your great grandmother made the best crown with blue and white diamonds. That crown is still used to declare the winner of Queen's crown. Right ?"

"Right !" Forth nods "and wrong according to the superstition."

"Why ?"

"Because the superstition says that my great grand mother didn't win the competition because she didn't make that crown. It was her sister who made it. Her sister was imfamous throughout the kingdom for using witchcraft.

They say she used her witchcraft to bewitch the crown she made. And that crown became the most beautiful in the blink of an eye. But when my great grandmother saw the crown in her sister's room , she stole it and took it to my great grandfather.

That's how she won through cheating. Later when her sister confronted her, she denied everything and ask her newly wed husband to punish her infamous sister.

My great grandfather was already in love with the crown back then so he hated the controversy that were circulating
In the kingdom. So in anger, he declared death sentence for the imfamous sister."

"No way ..." Beam whispers.

"Yes ! He did. At this that sister got disheartened. And they say before her death she used her witchcraft one last time to curse that Queen's crown. The curse was that .... " Forth hesitates.

"That the Queen's Crown will always be owned through the blood of the same womb. That crown will not decorate any head which hasn't bloodfied it's own...

"Sibling ?" Beam whispers again with wide eyes.

Forth nods.

"That's why ... that's why they said in the market .... I ... Forth.... I and Per .... " Beam covers his mouth.

Queen's crown Where stories live. Discover now