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3rd person's pov :

"Sleep !" Forth mumbl3s with a sleepy voice.

Beam who was looking at celling scoffs "get your hand off me ."

"I can't sleep without a side pillow."

"You slept with Sal like this ?" Beam asks with gritted teeth.

"That' my own room . I have side pillow there. You know that." Forth mumbles tiredly "Bobo is sleeping on top of you . You are not's complaining. What's with my only hand ?"

"Bobo is a kid." Beam huffs. He is still angry at Forth . But he feels his walls are breaking again. He pouts a little.

"I want to change his name !" Forth replies after a long silence.

Beam frowns with that sudden off topic reply "who ? Bobo ?"

Forth nods as Beam looks at him.

Beam turns side at Forth holding Bobo with his right arm. Bobo touches the bed in between Forth and Beam . "Why ?"

"Few days ago ... he said his mother named him Bobo because Bobo is made from Babo. Which again made from Bad boy. " Forth sighs . "His mother told him Bobo brought her bad luck !"

Beam blinks "Is she really his own mother ?"

Forth removes his hand from Beam's waist and ruffles Bobo's hair . "I want to change his name !"

"Have you thought of any ?" Beam asks .

Forth sruggs "how about Fifth ?"

Beam looks at Forth amused. "No !"

"Why not ? Everybody can tell he is my son and Prince just by hearing his name."

"No ! It' weird. Also if you want to name him like that the First is better." Beam retorts.

"First was my one of the cousin's name . And I used to hate him. No !"

Beam rolls his eyes "we shouldn't change his name too much. He is already five. So he needs to adjust with his new name."

Forth frowns "He is five . His name is Fifth . Final."

Beam ingnores Forth "How about Yibo ?"


Kit walks slowly beside Queen mother. He looks around the forgotten forest. Except the lamp queen mother is holding there is no source of light inside the forest. He is aware of queen mother's plan . She is going to abandon him there.

He doesn't know the way out this forest. But it seems queen mother knows . That's why she is going deeper in the forest.

He bites his lips. He is here in disguise of a woman but he picked out one orange out of his breast to throw orange and it's peel to the ground. He hopes it leaves a trace of the way he came in.

But now , his one orange is finished. God . How deep inside the forest they are now. He picks out another orange unnoticed by queen mother.

He was about to peel it off when queen mother stops her steps. Kit gulps in fear. Is she going to attack him ?

But then he hears the reason queen mother has stopped. Footsteps . Somebody is here inside the forest. Kit jumps happily in his mind. Somebody is here. Even if ut's an animal .. if queen mother runs in fear. He will follow her out of the forest.

Queen mother looks back at Kit "hush ! Stay silent." She whispers.

But to Kit it was the order like shout. Shout for your life. And so Kit did . He shouted.

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