Chapter 21: Devil Skull

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(Thursday, 3rd of Lover's Harp Moon, 2021)
The air shuttle carried the team of four through the air, and the pilot was the one making sure that shuttle stays afloat in the air. Caroline and Freya were sitting across from Jack and Zane. At their feet were their bags, while certain objects laid in your laps. Freya was sharpening a fancy looking axe, Caroline was reading her phone, Zane was on his laptop, and Jojo rested on Jack's lap. Jack was holding a set of dice in the palm of your hand. Rumplestiltskin.

"What the hell kind of weapon is just dice?" Jack played with the dice for a bit while Zane used his laptop to look up about it.

"Rumplestiltskin; It's an artifact that consists of several kinds of dice, and it can be used to either extremely nerf or buff any action the user wishes with a roll of the dice." Zane informed Jack whilst reading something off the internet. "The higher the number, the better the effect. The exact number depends on the dice, but the lowest number always makes the action its worst possible version, and the highest number always ensures that the action is the most perfect version."

"So basically, it's a double edged sword, cool, won't use it." Jack put Rumplestiltskin into his back pocket, and Jack stroked behind Jojo's ear, feeling how loose her skin was. "Wait, what'd you look up to learn that?"

"Dude, almost all of the artifacts are super well known because they've been around for 2,000 years." Zane informed you. "For 71 of them, I just need to look up a list of artifacts, find one with the same description of yours, and BAM, instant article."

"What about the last one?" Jack asked the boy, who pulled up a Wikipedia article containing a list and small description of every artifact. All the names were blue to indicate it was a link, all except one. An artifact named Happily Ever After. "Happily Ever After?"

"It's the only weapon to not choose a new user after High King Alexander died, no one's even sure what it looks like." Zane informed Jack. "All people know is that it's the strongest of all the artifacts, and it's out there somewhere."

"I wonder what it looks like, and what its ability is." Jack leaned his head against the steel wall. "Especially since Ebony Horse is OP as shit, I'm kind of hoping nobody gets the power of Happily Ever After."

"So you're the guy who's capable of using all the artifacts?" Freya looked at Jack curiously. "You're not the only person here who can use artifacts."

"Wait, that it an artifact?" Zane asked, and Freya nodded before showing off the axe.

"Giant's Path, that is the name of this weapon." Freya proudly informed everyone, and Zane typed away on his computer.

"Impressive, Giant's Path is an axe with the ability to manifest a giant projection of itself that doesn't weigh anything, but still hits with the force of a weapon of the size it is." Zane read up the description of the axe. "Can you do that?"

"Um...hey look, we're landing!" Freya dodged the question, and Jack could tell that she couldn't.

The air shuttle hovered above a grassy hill, and the four of them jumped off the machine with their respective objects and bags on their bodies. The sleeping Jojo was cradled in Jack's arms, resting for all the intimidation she did the night before. Jack looked around the area, feeling the warm air slap against his face and dance through his hair. Jack looked to the south to see a beautiful Cuauhtli-style mansion with faded blue walls. Jack held the box with the candle inside of it in his hands, and Jack took a breath in.

"Hey look, the mansion's right there, maybe this will be an easy mission after all." Jack took a step forward, only to see a tall woman walking towards him. "Wait...that's the tall, brooding, and muscular woman from the last mission?!"

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