Chapter 24: Not a "Fan" of Training

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(Saturday, 11th of Lover's Harp Moon, 2021)
"Mr. Librarian, why do I suck?"

There was silence in the library.

"Oh right, you can only communicate using sign language."

Jack was in the library, a week after Joan attacked. Amazingly, Elizabeth's treatments worked wonders. Sure she used no special tools or magic, but her ability to precisely tell what and where the pain was made all the difference. Jack and the others recovered soon. Days passed, and now Jack was at the library, flipping through the alchemy book to see if he can get any closer to solving the mystery of the liquified cows from a while back. To prevent any unnecessary noise, Jack left Jojo in his dorm room. The librarian was putting books away behind Jack, but his hands stopped putting books away so he could talk using sign language.

"As far as I can tell, you're around average." The librarian gave you his honest opinion.

"Yeah, but before I lost my memories and got this," Jack lifted his prosthetic up and shook his leg a bit. "I was apparently a badass archeologist who could harness a bunch of powers at once."

"Why can't you do that now?" The librarian questioned with a tilt of his head. "If you know magic, then you can do it by muscle memory?"

"I'm not sure, but I think Alice said while I can absorb magic, if I forget about that magic, I can't use it." Jack thought before putting his foot back on the floor. "Plus my class has three features, with the ability to learn ancient magic being one of them."

"I think I have a book on class features that's organized by class, which is organized alphabetically." The librarian looked on the shelves beside him for a minute before pulling out a single book.

"I still find it mildly terrifying how you can just remember the place of every book here." Jack commented as the librarian flipped through the book. He found the page and set the book down on the shelf, still opened so he could read it while signing.

"The three skills of the archeologist class are Power of Ancients, Bone Collector, and History Maker." The librarian then looked at Jack. "The first one is all you can use for now, the other two will be unlocked later. "In case of memory loss, there is a potion that can bring back lost memories. In other words, it's possible for you to regain all your previous abilities."

"A potion?" Jack perked up upon hearing that there was something that could get him back to the level he was at before the accident. "What do we need for it?"

"Just to clarify...this potion won't grant you all of your memories back, only the spells and possible items you possess." The librarian informed Jack, and while that was something of a downside, it was better than having no memories and no powers.

"I know, but I'll find another way to retrieve those memories." Jack closed the book he was reading.

"Well the ingredients we need are Rainbow Petals, Time Teeth, Tears of the Siren, Demon Bones, and Goddess Bath Water." The librarian informed Jack, and the last one sounded odd.

"Um...where am I supposed to find those ingredients?" Jack wondered if Goddess Bath Water was available on Valley, since they apparently have everything in the universe.

"I have an idea as to where you can gather those ingredients, but it will be difficult." The librarian thought for a moment. "Are you up for the challenge?

"If it means I can actually help people, then I don't really have much of a choice now do I?" Jack got up from his chair, and the librarian handed Jack a piece of paper with a list of components. "I'm still, 90% sure the Goddess Bathwater can be found in some neckbeard's basement though."

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