Chapter 44 There is always a solution a problem

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When Dorothy woke up from her coma, it was already a week later.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw an overwhelmingly rich golden color. It was luxurious and flamboyant, like that licentious woman in her memory.

Was she back home?

Dorothy's heart skipped a beat. She held her weak body and was about to go to the bathroom when the golden door was suddenly pushed open from the outside.

A woman in a bright red sleeveless mini dress came in like a gust of wind. She took off her diamond-studded black sunglasses, revealing her beautiful face.

She noticed that Dorothy had already gotten out of bed, and her bright eyes lit up with joy. "Oh, Dory, you're finally awake! I was worried to death."

"Germaine, when did you return? How... how did I end up in your house?"

Dorothy looked at Germaine Sherman, who was overjoyed, blankly, and was confused.

"Dory, I came back a week ago. Did you know that you have slept for seven days and seven nights? My cousin Juelz, that useless dumb*ss, was beaten up by your husband. He was worried that you would get hurt by that shameless Rosalie, sooner or later. Therefore, he called me to return and take care of you. Coincidentally, I have just completed my studies in biomedical engineering and, since I was also tired of Monticello, I immediately booked a ticket back to Talco City."

"Fortunately, I arrived in time. When Credence forced you to give your kidney to that shameless woman, I went directlyto the director to talk to the attending doctor of the operation. You were rescued from the hands of Rosalie and Credence before the operation, and now you are safe and sound."

Germaine's train of thoughts was so fast that Dorothy could not keep up with her.

After Dorothy carefully reviewed the series of words in her mind, she finally understood the details of the incident. She suddenly widened her eyes and said, "Do you mean I did not donate my kidney to Rosalie at all?"

"Of course, as long as I am there, no one can lay a finger on you."

Germaine, with a proud smile on her bright face, took an apple from the fruit tray and casually bit into it.

"Germaine, thank you for saving my life."

Dorothy turned her eyes to Germaine's smile, and her heart was full of emotion. Her slender hand slowly touched her abdomen, and, for a moment, mixed feelings welled up in her heart.

If it was not for Germaine who rushed to the hospital at the last minute, her healthy kidney might have left her body.

But when she thought of the deal she had with Credence, Dorothy's heart, which had finally been filled with joy, once again turned downcast and solemn.

As she did not give her kidney to Rosalie according to the agreement, the divorce deal was void.

Given Credence's pride and arrogance, he would not let her go.

Germaine noticed Dorothy's face gradually becomingdispirited. She frowned and asked with concern, "Dory, what's wrong?"

Dorothy raised her head and a faint smile flashed across her pale face. "Germaine, there's something you don't know. I have a deal with Credence... Now that the deal has failed, he definitely will not let it go easily."

"Why are you afraid of him?"

Germaine's hot temper immediately exploded and her beautiful eyes widened when she heard what Dorothy said. "Don't be afraid. I have arranged everything. Now, to Credence, you are already dead due to an accident. He will never come to trouble you again."

Accidental death?


Dorothy's face was full of suspicion. "Tell me, what was your arrangement?"

"It was..."

After Germaine finished the last of the apple, she raised her slender arm and threw the core into the trash can. She then pursed her red lips, and kept talking.

After she explained the whole situation, Germaine wiped away the stains on her lips with the back of her hand. In the next second, she threw a coquettish wink at Dorothy and said, "Don't worry about it. With my genius plan, that jerk would not be able to see through it."

Dorothy was stunned for a while, and the smile on her face turned into laughter. "Germaine, where did you find a woman who looked like me?"

"From the morgue of course."

Germaine said with a matter-of-fact tone.

In Talco City, Germaine was also a reputable person.

The Sherman family was deep-rooted in political and business affairs. From her grandfather, Gordan Sherman, to her biological brother, Jeremy Sherman, they all had extraordinary achievements in their respective fields, except for Juelz.

In addition to these, Germaine's achievements were not small either.

Her IQ was high above that of an ordinary person's, which was more than 160, and her educational background was one of the highest in the Sherman family.

But it was Germaine's corrupted man-woman relationship that made her famous.

It was rumored that even after graduating from junior high school at the age of 15 years old, she still slept in the same bed as her biological brother, Jeremy.

Rumor had it that she was obsessed with her brother. She had more than 20 boyfriends during her university years, and they all looked very similar to Jeremy!

It was also rumored that she had threatened to kill the entire family of a girl that Jeremy had once fallen in love with!

In short, whenever Germaine's name was mentioned, it would be associated with a lot of stupid things that she had done when she was young and crazy.

Crazy and shameless were words that had branded her and could never be removed.

Although Germaine's name was corrupted, to Dorothy, shewas one of Dorothy's few good friends who treated her sincerely.

With Germaine's brain, it was natural for her to come up with a flawless plan to replace Dorothy with a corpse. But, as they were against Credence, Dorothy was not at ease at all.

If Credence found out that she did not die, nor did she donate her kidney to Rosalie, he would...

Dorothy's eyelashes fluttered as she laughed at herself. "Germaine, you don't know Credence. Once he makes a decision, he will never change it! Even if I'm dead, he'll dig me out of the grave and give my kidney to Rosalie."

Germaine understood what she meant. She raised her eyebrows and replied domineeringly, "There is always a solution to a problem. I don't believe that, in Talco City, Credence has the final say."

Just then, a man's surprised voice suddenly rang in Dorothy's ears...

"Dory, you're alive! That's great!"

Dorothy followed the voice and looked over. She saw Juelz, dressed in a loose blue and white hospital gown, leaning in a wheelchair. A servant carefully pushed him forward.

It had been more than a week. His legs that were kicked by Credence had not healed yet?

Dorothy's gaze was fixed on Juelz's injured leg. She frowned to herself.

Juelz understood her gaze of confusion, and he seemed awkward. He coughed lightly and said, "I'm fine. I'm just slightly injured."

He paused, glanced at Germaine with admiration, and gaveher a thumbs-up. "I heard that Credence has confirmed that something unexpected has happened on the operating table. He would choose a good day to bury Dorothy. You really are amazing!"

As soon as Juelz finished speaking, a black figure with a tired and cold expression came in slowly through the door of the bedroom.

The gloomy-looking man, who wore a dark black suit, slowly raised his head and stared at Dorothy with a pair of cold and bloodshot eyes. He was as fierce as a beast!.


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