Chapter 81 This is what you owe me

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Dorothy's lips were in so much pain that they were numb. She was trembling all over, and struggled to use her elbows to push herself up. Her hands shook as she took her mobile phone from the bedside table. As soon as she answered it, she heard Linda scolding, "Dorothy, you b*tch, haven't you divorced Credence yet?"

Following that was a stream of curses, painfully hammering against Dorothy's eardrums.

Although she had gotten used to it over the years, she could only smile bitterly as she gripped her phone stiffly, "Mom, I want a divorce too, but he won't agree."

Linda's voice paused for a moment. Then, she cursed again. "Credence hates you so much. How can he disagree to a divorce? You must be orchestrating all of this, you d*mned vixen! You must be playing tricks to confuse him again, aren't you?"

"Dorothy, I'm telling you, the woman Credence loves is Rosie. He will never love a vicious woman who caused his father to be in such a tragic state! You have to divorce him as soon as possible. Otherwise, don't blame me for being cruel to you..."

Before Linda finished, Dorothy interrupted her, "Mom, really can't get a divorce. It would be better for you to talk to Credence directly about it."

"Talk about it?! Credence stopped all cooperation with the Fisher Group. Your father does not even have the capital to invest in other projects now. Under Credence's pressure, no other company is willing to invest in us. Our family will go bankrupt tomorrow, and your sister is still in the hospital, and the fees are immense! If the fees are not paid, she... B*tch, are you happy now? Credence is helping you, so you're finally happy?"

Dorothy did not expect Credence to put sanctions on her adoptive parent's companies. She was stunned by this revelation.

Credence had already stood up, and glanced at her phone screen. When he saw the word 'Mom', he smiled in a mocking manner.

"Mom, I..."

When Dorothy was about to speak, her phone was forcefully snatched away by Credence. He then threw it on the sofa casually, "What do you want to know? Just ask me!"

Dorothy lowered her head and bit her lip. After hesitating for a moment, she raised her head to meet his gaze from above. "Credence, why did you do that?"

"Why do you think did that?"

"Honestly, have no idea why you're doing this! Credence, we have irreconcilable differences, and this divorce is a private affair between the two of us. Why do you want the Fishers to be implicated? They may have been bad to me, and never gave me the warmth a family should, but without my foster parents, won't be who am now. It's very likely that would have died in the welfare home a long time ago..."

"So, I'm asking you to let the Fishers off the hook. I'm begging you, alright?"

"Irreconcilable differences? Dorothy, you cheated on me with Juelz! Now you dare say that the two of us are incompatible?"

Credence's dark eyes narrowed slightly, were filled Iwith mockery, "The Fisher family treated you badly. So, am helping you vent your anger, isn't that great?"

Dorothy had to admit that when she first met this man, she was very scared of him. But now, she did not think that she should be inferior to him anymore.

Loving him was not a reason for her to be hurt by him.

"I have to be grateful to them for raising me at the very least! don't want everyone to say bad things behind my back! don't want them to call me an ungrateful child!"

She calmed her voice down and continued, "Credence, frankly, your relationship with me is just a playful fling. So, why are you so serious? Or, could you swear you never promised Rosalie that you would marry her?"

A playful fling?

Credence pursed his lips menacingly into a thin line. He got up and walked towards her, pressing her against the wall behind her, and eyes were filled with danger, "Who gave you the guts to speak to me like that? Juelz?"

Dorothy's nose twitched, and she looked away. "Let me go, okay? know that the person you love is my sister. know this clearly. So why don't just let go of you so that you both can be together?! I'm begging you, let me go, and let Juelz go..."

Before she could finish, he kissed her fiercely

There seemed to be a slightly alcoholic taste in his mouth. This was once her favorite taste, but now...

Dorothy struggled, desperately trying to push him away, but she never expected this to irritate Credence. He pulled apart her buttoned shirt fiercely, and the buttons made loud noises as it fell to the ground. Finally, only silence was left...

When she realized what he was about to do, Dorothy's face turned pale. She was on the verge of tears as she said, "Credence, no!"

He smiled coldly and placed her hands above her head.

"Remember, this is what you owe me."

His devilish voice could be heard, as if he was pulling her into the depths of hell.

It hurt so much that tears streamed down Dorothy's eyes. It should not have been like this. He clearly loved Rosalie. Why? Why was he treating
her this way?

After some time, Credence bent down and asked her, "You've fallen in love with Juelz. Do you want to be with him? Tell me! Admit it, and will let you go."

She said, "Yes, love Juelz!"

She bit her lips and nodded, saying it against her will.

Credence's eyes grew colder. He then picked her up and flung her on the bed. "Dorothy, the night is still young."

When Dorothy woke up, the whole suite was empty, and Credence had vanished. She felt dizzy, and had no strength left at all.

She suddenly realized something, and hurriedlylifted the quilts. There was a large spot of dried blood on the white sheet, it made her heart sink.

She quickly put on her clothes and got out of bed. Her body hurt so much that she was trembling.

Had she... bled too much?

On the way to the hospital, Dorothy's headache got worse and worse, and she almost fell down several times.

She mustered some strength to take a number. And just as she was going in the room to see the doctor, her vision got blurrier. After a few steps, she lost all her strength and fell to the ground...

She could detect the pungent smell of hospital disinfectant... Overwhelming her nerves.

Not long after Dorothy woke up, a doctor came to the ward. The doctor looked at her case and said earnestly, "You fainted because of a serious cold, and the child in your womb is alright for the time being. But, you should pay attention to it. You can't perform sexual intercourse in within your first three months of pregnancy. If that happens again, you might not have such good luck. I know that you're young and passionate, but please restrain yourself."

Dorothy could not explain it, and hence merely nodded. Even so, her heart was in a turmoil. Her lips had turned pale, and she was trembling as she asked incredulously, "Doctor, didn't hear anything you said. Could you please repeat it again?"

A child?

Didn't Credence force her to end the pregnancy? The embryo was still in the hospital's medical vial. Credence even used it to carry out a paternity test! How could she still have a child in her womb?

Dorothy was so shocked that she could not control herself. Her delicate body was trembling continuously. She first shed tears silently, and then began crying and laughing at the same time.


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