Chapter 168 Dorothy, Belle is my child, right?

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Credence gulped. His long, black eyebrows furrowed, and his long slender fingers tapped on the screen. He went through the information he had just received.

These messages were indeed sent by Rosalie. It was the two secrets she had used in exchange for her life.

Credence read the first of the messages, and his pupils contracted.

As expected, his mother's death was really abnormal. After she was with a woman who claimed to be his father's mistress, she had a quarrel with his father, and then, she died of a heart attack.

However, Rosalie did not know the identity of this so-called mistress.

Even after Credence took over the Scott Group, there had never been any other women around his father. His father mourned for his mother's death every day.

His father was now in a vegetative state in a secret hospital within Monticello. There was no sign of him waking up anytime soon, and he did not know how to start interrogating him.

As for the mistress, she had hid herself well for many years.

Therefore, finding her would be an extremely difficult task. However, no matter how difficult this task was, he still needed to dig out the truth.

Credence had a strong feeling that the only way to find out the real cause of his mother's death was to find this mistress.

He squinted and looked at the next message.

Almost in an instant, his eyes darkened, and veins appeared on his temples in a sinister manner.

Belle's biological father was actually...


The more he thought about it, the colder his handsome features got. He had only seen that little girl once in the hospital. For some reason, he felt a heart-wrenching pain in his heart

when he saw Belle's pure blue eyes.

A sense of despair filled his mind. He always thought that Dorothy had a child with another man. How could she have a child with another man?

Now that he thought about it, he was no longer sad. Instead, there was a faint sense of joy that filled the depths of his heart.

This little girl had the most beautiful blue eyes in the world, and she was actually his. How incredible.

At the back of the helicopter, Marvin placed Germaine, who had slept very poorly, down. After he was done, he walked over. He realized the man was staring at his phone and not moving at all. A complicated and unbelievable look could be seen on his face. "Credence, Belle your biological daughter? Uh... but that seems impossible, right? How could you and Dorothy have a mixed-race child?"

Was This... F*cking Real?

If it really was, then it would be the biggest joke in the world!

Credence did not speak, his face remained expressionless for a while, and he did not even know what he was feeling at that moment.

Marvin thought for a while and analyzed the situation, "However since Rosalie has to ensure her survival, there is no need for her to deceive your feelings! Credence, I'd say that you should get Jonathan to help you do a paternity test with Belle after you save her. Everything would be clear after that.

What I don't understand is, if Belle is your daughter, why did Dorothy hide it from you?"

Why didn't she tell him the truth?

Naturally, it was because he had hurt Dorothy so badly that she made up her mind to dissociate herself from him and did not want to have anything to do with him anymore.

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