Chapter 149 Credence, I'm sorry

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After half an hour; the waiter came out of the suite and walked straight to Germaine; He nodded and said; "Relax, Mr. Scott has drunk a lot of that wine."

"Okay, great, You can go now."

Germaine immediately stuffed the remaining stack of cash into the waiter's hands, She grew excited as she imagined the scene that would unfold later onwards.

She took a few deep breaths, calming herself down. After that,

she stood where she was and waited;

Sure enough; in less than ten minutes; Marvin and Jonathan; who had drunk too much as well, appeared in the corridor with O their arms around each other's backs; They found their own presidential suites; pushed the doors open and entered; They slammed the door and closed it; proving that they must have gone to rest;

When Germaine saw them do so, she narrowed her eyes and smirked like a cunning fox;

Now that the two troublemakers had left, it could only mean Credence was the only one left in the room. He was someone that had imbibed too much of that special drink; so he no longer had enough strength to fight back against anyone. By that time, Dorothy could do whatever she wanted with him.

Germaine immediately took out her mobile phone from her bag and called Dorothy; "Dory, hurry up, It's Room 1606 and Credence is inside, I'm waiting for you, See you!"

After receiving Germaine's call. Dorothy stood up. scooped her bag. and walked into the elevator.

She watched as the indicator crept closer and closer to the sixteenth floor, and she grew so panicked that he became disordered. thumping harshly against her chest. As soon as Dorothy emerged from the elevator; she glimpsed Germaine standing next to a wall and waving enthusiastically to her, She shouted in a low and urgent voice, "Dory, over here, Credence is in there."

Tightening her grip on the room card. Dorothy calmed herself down and got closer to Germaine one step at a time, She asked. "Are you sure? Everything has been handled?"

Germaine cheerfully praised herself. "Of course, as long as I. Germaine Sherman. make a move, no one can escape from within my hands."

She quickly took over the leather bag and mobile phone form Dorothy, and stuffed a set of sexy nightwear that she had prepared into her hands instead. smiling brightly; She ordered. "Dory. quick. put on this outfit of utmost seduction, and conquer your man!"

Dorothy stood at the door as she took the room card and swiped it open. She silently turned back and showed Germaine a grateful smile, "Germaine, thanks a bunch!"

Germaine flashed her a look that said 'been there, done that', and smacked her red lips, "Dory, if you really want to thank me, do it by succeeding in one shot."

Faced with Germaine's mischievous looks, Dorothy was rendered a little speechless; She took a deep breath in to calm herself; When her heartbeat reverted to normal, she pushed the door open with her slender fingers, walking in;

The lights inside were dim but white, and only a lamp wall was left lit, causing her vision to go blind for a moment. She could not find Credence's exact location at that moment.

Dorothy calmed herself down for a moment.

She wanted to ask Credence for help in doing that, but she did not want to jump right into doing the deed with him the moment she entered the room. Dilemmas and conflict intertwined and settled within her guts.

She took the pajamas that Germaine had given her and entered the bathroom.

After having a shower, Dorothy changed into a black, sexy lacy dress. She opened the bathroom door and stepped into the quiet living room. She gently patted her flushed cheeks and clenched her fists to psych herself up.

My Husband Hates Me ( Book 1 )जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें