Chapter 161 Are you satisfied now?

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Several young men in uniforms rushed over with no expression on their faces. Their leader, who knocked Juelz to the ground with a punch, was Marvin.

He and Jonathan had helped Credence out of the club and moved him into the car. The wound on his chest was so deep that his bones were almost visible. His eyes got sharp and he told Jonathan to send Credence to the hospital first. After that, he called up several men who lived nearby and decided to teach Dorothy and Juelz a lesson.

Why could this b*tch of a couple still act so unscrupulously while Credence was being overwhelmed by his delayed awakening to this love?

The man's face was darker than the night. He looked sharply at the woman who was kneeling beside Juelz. She was calling him gently. Seeing the red kiss marks on her fair neck and pink face, as well as her tender eyes. It looked obvious to him.

Although he had never had a real girlfriend, he still had experience in seeing his subordinates flirt with girls.

By the looks of Dorothy's enchanting appearance, it was evident that she had just been caressed by Juelz.

This made Marvin even angrier. He shouted in a low voice, "Dorothy, Credence is dying, but you are flirting with some other man here. How shameless can you get!"

Ever since she fell down the bridge and disappeared for nearly 25 days, Credence had never stopped blaming himself. Just when he realized he had fallen for her, she had disappeared and no one knew if she was alive.

He firmly believed that she was still alive, and for that, Credence looked for her for 25 days straight and never slept.

However, when he saw Dorothy's intimate actions with Juelz, Credence...

Credence finally broke down.

He did not care about his own life, and he even wanted her to take his life to end the grudge they had for so many years.

No one knew how much this man, who was an omnipotent being in front of others, had endured and suffered to be able to hand the woman he loved a dagger to stab his own heart!

Marvin had never experienced such heart-tearing emotions before, thus he could not empathize with Credence's sorrow. However, he was certain that Dorothy had completely hurt Credence's heart this time.

He walked over, stretched out his arms, and pulled hard. He threw Dorothy aside angrily. She had just helped Juelz to stand up, but she was then pulled to another black car. He pursed his pale lips and never said a word.

"Marvin, what the f*ck are you doing? Stop right there. Where are you taking her? You are committing a crime and kidnapping my girlfriend in public. This is against the law, do you f*cking know that? Do you believe that I'll call the cops and send you to prison right now?"

Juelz wiped the blood from the corners of his lips and rushed forward to drag Dorothy back. Unexpectedly, the group of silent young men blocked his way. One of them with tanned skin sneered coldly. "Juelz, Marvin has something urgent to deal with, but he will return that woman back to you soon. Just wait here. We are all just trying to make a living. Let's take a step back and not make things difficult for each other."

When Juelz noticed that these men were ready to fight, he quickly glanced around them and determined that his fists were no match for them. No matter how great he was at fighting, he was not strong enough to defeat these strong men who had been trained in the special forces.

He clenched his fists and let out a cold snort. He looked towards Dorothy in a depressed manner, as she was being dragged away by Marvin.

On the other side, Dorothy's arm was being pulled so hard that it felt like it was being torn apart. However, she could not break free at all. Marvin had gripped her hard, and she stumbled to follow his direction towards the car.

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