Chapter 66 She had to give him whenever he wanted

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Credence walked out of the ward. The sky was gloomy, and the blustery wind rustled the leaves outside the window. It was a night awaiting a heavy downpour.

After walking a few steps, Jonathan, with a cigarette between his light-pink thin lips and walked toward Credence. "I have been waiting for you outside for three hours, sixteen minutes and nine seconds. You've finally come out."

He didn't know what tricks Rosalie had played to keep Credence in her ward for three hours.

Jonathan awed this kind of women. He would always keep a distance from such women as he knew he couldn't contend with them.

Credence ignored Jonathan's teasing and swept a glance at him with his deep eyes. He parted his thin lips and asked slowly, "How's she doing?"

There was a hint of concern in his voice.

He didn't sleep for more than ten hours, but, except for his tired look that could not be concealed, he was still standing upright. His black shirt and trousers looked clean without any trace of dust and wrinkles. His innate pride and nobility had long been deeply engraved into his cold and stern body.

Looking at Credence who was so mature and indifferent, even Jonathan was dazzled by him.

He thought to himself, "No wonder Rosalie still sticks around this charming and handsome man shamelessly, even though she knew that Credence is a married man."

The man, who was taller than Jonathan and standing opposite him, cast an impatient sharp glance at him. Jonathan was so afraid of his sharp gaze and quickly faked a smile on his handsome face. His big hand patted on his chest, producing a loud thudding sound.

"Credence, you can count on me! I immediately arranged for the most professional doctor in the field to treat Dorothy once I received your WhatsApp message and... Ahem, Credence, don't look at me like that. I'm so scared!"

"Oh, I almost forgot. The most important thing is that I assigned a team of female doctors. There was no male doctor. Are you happy with my arrangement?"


Credence nodded slightly and no longer entertained Jonathan, who kept talking nonsense. Credence turned around and left.

From the man's cold face, Jonathan couldn't tell whether he was satisfied or not. He knew that Credence was indifferent to others since young. Hence, he didn't mind about it at all. He followed Credence and kept chattering.

"Credence, you're so cool all the time. You have four out of six main characteristics of a single man. Frankly speaking, no woman can stand you!"

"Only Dorothy is blind enough to fall in love with you. She is gentle and has a good temper, so she is willing to endure your poker face and your bad temper..."

Jonathan couldn't stop talking. He had waited for more than three hours and had a lot to sav. He kept bombarding Credence with his words.

Credence could not bear with him anymore. When he was waiting for the elevator, he looked down at Jonathan, who was talking non-stop, and coldly spat out two words. "Shut up!"

Jonathan had gotten used to his bad temper and did not mind at all. He shrugged. After the elevator opened, he walked in swaggeringly and said, "Credence, I'm saying all these for your own good. You'll regret it if you do not listen to me! If you do not want to correct your temperament, even a good woman like Dorothy will lose her patience and leave you one day."

At that moment, Jonathan didn't know that his joke had already come true.

"Get the hell out of here!"

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