Chapter 147 Room 1606

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Credence looked up at her with a heavy gaze, taking in the sweet fragrance exuding from her body.

He stared at Rosalie in front of him. Her long hair cascaded behind her head, and her face was flushed pink with anticipation. She looked at him with teary eyes filled with love.

She had asked him if she could move in with him after he got better.

He replied, "There's no need for that. We'll talk about all that after we get married."

He lowered his gaze and held back the sudden empty feeling in his heart as he cruelly refused her proposal.

Every time Rosalie tried to get closer to him, he could feel a weak voice in the deepest parts of his heart shouting into his brain, telling him that things should not happen this way.

It told him he could not be with this woman.

Whenever he got close to her, he did not feel any desire for her. Neither his body nor his soul would react to her at all.

"Fine, Credence. Rest well. I will go back and make some nutritious supplements for you first, then I'll come back to see you again."

Then, Rosalie turned around and walked out of the ward, trembling vigorously from anger.

She was not surprised at all to be rejected by Credence upon her request to move in with him.

The first time she had been rejected by him, she had felt so much pain that her heart seemed to bleed. However, although it still hurt, she had already grown numb to the pain.

She thought to herself, "Credence, why? Why are you so interested in Dorothy? Why are you not interested in my young and beautiful body instead?"

Which part of her was inferior to Dorothy?

However, there was one thing that Rosalie was sure of. Whenever Credence had contact with Dorothy, he would feel an impulse to touch her. However, whenever he was in contact with Rosalie, he felt absolutely no desire for her.

Previously, she had drugged his food with aphrodisiacs before appearing out of nowhere and taking off her clothes when the effect of the drugs began to kick in. Then, she would be only clothed in underwear to try and seduce Credence in order to fulfill her wish to sleep with him.

When she had gotten close to him, she was shocked to realize that no matter how tenderly she touched him, she had no effect on the man whose heart was as firm as iron.

His breathing had not sped up, nor had his heartbeat become disordered. Most importantly, his lower body had no reaction at all.

He had looked at her in a cold manner and ordered her to scram

As she thought of the humiliation she had suffered, she let out a smile, one that was frigid and insincere.

She clenched the black handbag in her hand tightly. The tears in her eyes had disappeared, and calmness and pride returned to her once more.

There was only one way to make sure that she stayed with Credence for the rest of her days, and that was to kill Dorothy!

However, before she could do so, she still had to ask Dorothy about the real purpose of her coming back to seek Credence out.

Was she here to cure Belle's leukemia, or was she trying to get back with Credence?

Then, she took out the phone from her bag and called Dorothy.

When the call was connected, she smiled maliciously, "Dorothy, you have been back for so long, but we've never sat down for a proper chat. As your younger sister, I should have reached out to you first. I'll see you at the Blues Cafe this weekend at ten o'clock in the morning, okay?"

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