Chapter 165 Illegitimate daughter

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Because of Rawland Lodge's bad reputation, Credence almost never came here.

As a result, his arrival caused a big commotion for the owner, and he brought managers from various departments to gather around him. The person in charge showed him a flattering smile. "Mr. Scott, it's an honor to have you here."

Credence's handsome face darkened, his gaze was sinister and dangerous. "Show me all your surveillance footage. I'm looking for someone."

However, when he watched the videos from that day, he could not find anything. It was the same as the park. The screen was completely black, and he could not see anything.

The person in charge was so scared that his legs went soft, he sweated profusely and tried to explain, "Mr. Scott, I really don't know what happened. I have asked the technicians and they said that it looks like they were attacked by hackers. The screen had turned dark for over an hour, after that, it automatically returned to normal. In places like this, our visitors are either rich or noble, so we have to take care of their privacy. Therefore, the monitoring won't be so strict."

Credence sneered, "As expected! Close the door, don't let anyone go."

He turned around and walked towards Ivana. He ruthlessly ordered her, "Take your men for a thorough investigation of every room in here."

As long as something had happened, some traces would surely be left.

He thought of Dorothy and how he could not get to her by phone, his face darkened. He clenched his fingers and almost crushed the screen of the mobile phone.

Without having much hope, he dialed her number once more.

He never expected it to connect this time.

Dorothy's painful and twitching voice could be heard from the other side, "Credence, my legs might be broken."

When he heard her soft and painful voice, a trace of tenderness flashed across his eyes, "Stay where you are, don't move, I'll come to you right away."

It did not take Credence, Benjamin, Ivana and her men much effort to find something abnormal at the end of the corridor on the third floor.

When they moved those filthy beds of happiness away, they saw a secret tunnel underneath. It was long and twisted, and the path was big enough to accommodate two people, which one could use to go directly to the first floor.

Dorothy had fallen straight to the collapsed side of the piped path. She laid on her stomach looking extremely weak.

It was a pitch-black corner. If one didn't look carefully, one could not see her at all.

"Dorothy, don't be afraid. I'm coming."

Credence's eyes swept over her silently, and his heart ached. He quickly took off his suit jacket and ordered Benjamin to flash the area. After that, he bent down and walked towards her bit by bit.

"Credence, Belle and Germaine have been taken away by Rosalie. I saw her and her men walking through this pipe, so I secretly followed from behind. However, I was too useless and got stuck here."

Dorothy felt aggrieved and said in a sad tone.

Her right foot was firmly stuck in the connected end of thepipe, and the sharp edge deeply pierced through her legs and reached into her bones. Her khaki trousers were stained with blood, and she dared not move at all.

Fresh blood was still flowing. If she moved even a little bit, the blood would only flow faster.

She was afraid that she would lose too much blood and faint in this empty pipe. Despite not being able to see and feeling dizzy, she fumbled in the darkness and found her handbag. then took out her cellphone. She tried to open it only to realize that the battery was dead.

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