Chapter 25: University of Penn Museum, Philadelphia Pennsylvania, USA 1960

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"So we're going to find Diya? And keep the apkallu locked up?" Emily asked.

Indy paused. "Em, if Shorty's memories are right, he crashed on the Kamchatka Peninsula... which is Russian territory. And as Americans, we can't go there... even if that is where Diya is."

"But we have... Russian passports, Dad."

Indy grinned, sensing his daughter's thoughts. "They're not legal, dear."

"When has that ever stopped us?" Emily asked, grinning back at her dad.

"Since the Russian KBG chased us out of their country when you were about thirteen," Indy explained.

Shorty sat down between Emily and Indy, handing Indy a drink. "An action story!"

"The point is," Indy redirected the conversation. "We can't get there. No plane. No passports. No tickets."

"I can solve that," a familiar voice and tall shadow entered the museum gallery.

"MAC!" Three different voices. Three different tones.

Indy growled.

Emily snarled.

Shorty grinned. "Mac has been helping my family since the 1930s! Barely anyone knows this, but there was a movement among the British and the Americans to bring democracy to China. They partnered with my grandmother's Triad group."

"And just what are you smuggling?" Indy asked.

"Mostly drugs. Occasionally some artifacts," Mac replied. "How do you think I got your family out of Western China so fast during the Sidenstrasse Operation a few months ago?"

Indy swallowed, looking at Emily. "Right. I suppose I should be thanking you for that Mac. Marion and I wouldn't have Emily, Annie and her kids at home if it weren't for that covert flight."

"I'm still waiting for the scroll," Mac eyed Indy and Emily. Father and daughter exchanged mischievous glances.

Mac's glare deepened.

Indy turned his head slightly and took a drink.

Emily blinked the mischief from her dark brown eyes and filled them with the expected empty headed innocence men wanted to hear from women they could manipulate. "But, Mac... doesn't it belong in a museum?"

Indy spit out his drink, then turned it into a coughing fit, trying to cover his laughter.

"The point is," Mac announced unamused. "If the Seven Swords of Diya are the national security issue that you believe them to be - I can arrange a covert flight out of Wright Patterson Air Force base in less than forty eight hours." He looked at Shorty. "And you already have a pilot."

All eyes in the room fell on Indy.

The aging adventurer swallowed, weighing the options in his mind. "Marion's gonna kill me, but it wouldn't be the first time. Let's go."

The Seven Swords of Diya: An Indiana Jones Fan Fiction Part 1Where stories live. Discover now