Chapter 198: Flashback: Archaeological Site Egypt, Along the Red Sea, 1947

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Archaeological Site


Along the Red Sea


Indy and Marion raced toward the faint noise echoing through the chambers of the ancient tomb and underground quarry.

Suddenly the hallway split.

"Which way?" Indy asked.

Marion stumbled in partial confusion. "I don't know!"

"You heard her," Indy swallowed. "If that was Em..."

"It was Em." Marion pressed her lips together, searching for any clues or help. "A mother always knows her babies..."

"And my wartime experiences and hearing loss from close quarter gunfights aren't helping," Indy mused.

She pulled herself into his chest, shutting her eyes. "You came home. That's what matters."

His hand wrapped around her waist, pressing gently against her. She felt his hat brim tap her shoulder and there was a kiss on her neck. "C'mon, Marion. I trust your instincts."

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