Chapter 165: Cave, Kamchatka Wilderness, 1960

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Kamchatka Wilderness

Soviet Union


Lizavet hummed to the fire moving her hands around it. The flames grew, lighting the cave's chamber. "My people believe that those who share a hearth are family."

Shorty took a seat next to Lizavet, watching her hands and movements toward the fire with interest. "Doesn't that burn you?"

"I am a shaman. I know the fire's secrets and whispering to it makes it grow, for that is its purpose and sacred duty... to unite and keep us warm." She smiled at Indy and Emily. "The water will boil soon."

Indy sat down beside Emily, reached into his artifact bag and pulled out the bottle of whiskey and some bandages. "Head between your knees, Em. Breathe long and slow, in and out. Let me have a look at what's bleeding." He brushed away her dramatically shorter hair.

"Can't you just seal it with a hot knife blade!?" Emily asked, her voice breaking. "We don't have a lot of water... we should save it for drinking..."

Indy whispered in her ear, with his arm around her. "Em, I am not branding the back of my daughter's neck. When you discover someone to love you, you'll thank me. The back of a woman's neck is for tender kisses, Em. Not battle scars."

"That's not gonna happen, Dad. I'm too ugly!"

He rested his hand on the back of her neck for a moment, studying the wound. "What did they do to you?"

Emily blinked. Her father's tone had been quietly tender yet there was an edge of fury. "Please don't be mad."

"I'm not angry at you. I'm angry at them." Indy uncorked the whiskey bottle and dumped some onto his hands and handkerchief. "Gonna clean off the blood and see what needs to happen next. You can tell me who to kill -"

She grabbed the whiskey bottle and chugged it choking. Tears spread down her face as she coughed. "Dad... I'm gonna hurl again."

She did.

Indy sat her back up. "Breathe now. Breathe, Em. Remember what I taught you?"

She nodded. Then pivoted and fell against Indy's chest and shoulders, trembling.

"Shhh," Indy soothed. "Shhh, you're safe."

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