Chapter 167: Cave, Kamchatka Wilderness, 1960

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Kamchatka Wilderness

Soviet Union


Indy smiled down at his daughter, making certain she was asleep. Carefully he looked at Lizavet and asked the next question. "Lizavet, I don't want to bring up bad memories, but... what can Edo do to Emily?"

Lizavet swallowed, handing Indy back his jacket.

Indy shrugged it back on, thankful for the warmth.

"I... don't know," Lizavet replied. "I do not know his strength as a shaman. I do know the apkallu. They have followed me since I was child."

Shorty sat close to her, his body shielding her from the chilly entrance of the cave. Indy watched their interaction, then gave his head a slight shake as Shorty tried to raise his arm to put around Lizavet.

Shorty saw the movement and dropped his arm. Lizavet looked at him strangely, then continued. "The apkallu have many forgotten powers. I don't know what they will try. But the intent will be to steal, kill and destroy."

Indy stared at his sleeping daughter, Edo's threats creeping through his mind. He pushed them away - hating to even ask the question, because it was so horrible. "Can they harm her physically?"

"I don't know," Lizavet answered. "But they will start with nightmares. And they already know where to look."

"What do you mean?" Indy asked.

"There's a desert, next to a sea, where there are tall red sandstone cliffs..."

Indy's face turned to terror. "Damn. That's Egypt... along the Red Sea, at the tomb where she got the scars."

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