Chapter 96: Kamchatka, Russian Wilderness, 1960, Sunset

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Russian Wilderness



Shorty smacked his head on the ground in frustration. "No! Not again!"

"Focus, Shorty," Indy murmured. "I'm not drugged. You're not powerless. You're a grown man - you know how to fight and survive. Em has the swords... We'll work this out as we go along."

"Sun goes down fast here, Dad," Emily lay close to the ground, ready to spring forward. "If the apkallu are coming with Edo, we'd better get ready."

"He's got the sword from Attu," Indy growled.

Edo flashed the sword in the dying sun, swinging the blade in a motion that samurai had used to behead their enemies for centuries.

Indy saw the apkallu gathering excited around Lizavet.

She didn't look up.

Edo moved closer, slicing at her, closer and closer with the sword.

A lock of Lizavet's dark hair fell at her boots.

Edo cursed.

Her head pivoted, her eyes narrowed, and she rose up, eye to eye with Edo. "You pathetic lackey! Stand down. You can't frighten me. And neither can the apkallu!"

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