Chapter 177: Flashback: Archaeological Site, Egypt, Along the Red Sea, 1947

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Archaeological Site


Along the Red Sea


Emily's father, Indiana Jones held back his panic and fury. He'd known archaeologists - grown men who hadn't survived cave ins. He knew that there was little to no oxygen deep inside the tomb. And the tide was coming in... so if his little girl wasn't dead, and hadn't suffocated - she'd drown.

Marion Ravenwood Jones gripped her husband's hand, looking up at him. "Do something, Indy!"

"I am, Marion." He wrapped her in his arms, as they stood on the collapsed debris pile... knowing their daughter Emily was somewhere underneath it. "We can't move all this by ourselves."

"She's gonna die down there, Indy!"

He gripped Marion tighter, as the local diggers arrived. "I know, Marion. I know. I'm trying to think of something or some way to get her out."

The diggers assembled, looking at Indy and Marion. These were men of the local tribes experts at survival based observation skills that came with growing up in the desert. They had known the Jones family for several weeks now. And they were worried that there were no children with Marion and Indy.

Indy helped Marion from the debris pile.

Sallah joined them, carrying a pick axe. "I'll translate."

"Thanks, Sallah." Indy gathered the diggers. "My daughter's in there!" He pointed. "Take the handle end of your pick axes and shovels, and put it in the ground like this!" He took the pick axe from Sallah and demonstrated, shoving the handle end deep into the sand. "If you punch through into a chamber, yell, and we'll all start digging there."

Sallah translated. The diggers nodded among themselves then moved out.

"Avalanche rescue technique?" Marion asked doubt filling her voice.

"Tomb raider trick," Indy replied. "That's why they know it - if we're caught by the Antiquities Commission, I'm in trouble. But I don't care." He took Marion by the shoulders. "Hon - go back and be with Annie."

"No! Indy! I'm staying right here."

"Marion," Indy warned. "Annie wasn't handling this well -"

She slapped him. "None of us are handling this well, Jones!"

Indy swallowed. "You're right, Marion. I'm sorry."


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