Chapter 49: Flashback: Jones Ranch, Wyoming, 1942

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Jones Ranch


October 1942

5 Months Later


Marion Ravenwood Jones sat up in bed, smelled something burning, grabbed the baby and rushed downstairs.

"MOMMA!" Annie yelled triumphantly, hugging Indy.

Marion's jaw dropped. Her husband, Indiana Jones stood in their kitchen, his hat half on his head, a crooked grin across his face, exhaustion and adoration in his eyes. "Hello, Marion."

Behind him stood Professor Jones, wearing an apron - hopelessly burning bacon, a spatula in one hand, umbrella in the other.

Marion bolted, baby tucked in one of her arms. She turned off the burning bacon, dropped a lid on the skillet to stop the flames, stole the apron off Professor Jones, turned off the stovetop and moved the coffee pot to the table.

Then she rested one hand on her hip and sassed, "Indiana Jones - you already burnt down one of my eating establishments - I'll be durned if I let you do it again!"

"Missed you too, hon," Indy replied, his grin getting larger.

Marion lifted her chin, sauntered over to him, then lunged. Indy wrapped her gently in a solid hug, mindful of the small bundle.

"We thought -!" Marion didn't get to finish her fears, as Indy kissed her.

"I always come home to you," Indy murmured. "And I always will." He wiped the tears off Marion's face with the back of his scarred knuckle. "Partners, remember?"

"I hate you sometimes!" Marion partially stormed.

"I love you always," Indy countered evenly.

The bundle in the crook of Marion's arm made a noise.

Indy turned in shock. "Marion...?"

"Yes, Indiana - meet your daughter."

Indy froze. "That - that's the second time you've said that to me, Marion. And I still don't know how to react..." He lowered Annie for a moment. "Let me sit down to hold her... both my girls..."

Marion passed the baby to Indy as Annie looked on. Indy cradled the small bundle. "I... Marion... I love you. She's... she's the most precious artifact I've ever held." Indy swallowed. "What's her name?"

Marion glanced at Professor Jones Senior, a knowing nearly bursting expression on her face. "Emmaline."

"Oh." Indy traced the child's features. "She looks so much like you, Marion." He looked up. "Emmaline is perfect. Fine old name... Latin for little rival... often used for adoptions when they wanted the second generation to carry on the family name, like we use 'Junior' today..." Indy paused, staring at Marion. Then he turned and stared at his father. "You...? You both...?"

The clock on the wall ticked.

Finally it came out in an indigent furious burst from Dr. Henry 'Indiana' Jones Junior. "You named my daughter, 'JUNIOR'?"

Marion walked away laughing.

Indy was still stunned. "You both conspired and named my daughter... Junior?!"

"More properly son, the name means 'little rival'." Indy's father used his umbrella to check the bacon from a safe distance.

"I know that, Dad! But Junior!?"

"We could have gone with Henrietta," Professor Jones Senior shrugged.


Emmaline started wailing.

Indy stared down at the baby. "Oh. Oh dear... I'm sorry, sweetheart. Marion...? What does it need? Artifacts don't wake up - at least they're not supposed to? Shush, Em... shush little one. Marion! Dad! I don't know what to do with this!"

Indy leaned closer to the baby, as she got one of her hands free from the swaddled bundle and slugged her father across the nose.

Indy groaned, feeling blood run down his face.

Marion rushed back in. "Why is the baby bleeding?"

"Not her. Me."

"You're fine, Jones!" Marion was about to take the baby, when she caught sight of Indy's face. He pivoted slightly, protecting the child in his arms, his nose dripping blood.

"She's got your hook punch, Marion," Indy murmured through a bloody nose. "Emmaline - my little rival - you've made your point - you can keep your dear sweet name!"

Annie looked up at her father. "Daddy, are you ok?"

Indy calmed, and shifted the baby, welcoming Annie to climb across his knee. "Yes, Annie. This is perfect. I couldn't ask for more."

Annie snuggled against Indy's shoulder.

Marion walked by, handing Indy a bottle. Then she picked up Indy's cup and took a drink. "You got curry?"

"Yes, Marion." Indy leaned backward, trying to balance feeding the baby as Annie gave him lessons.

"But why is it in your coffee?"

"It isn't in my coffee..." Indy glanced at her.

Marion held the cup under Indy's nose.

"Can't smell, hon - got a nosebleed. How did I put curry in my coffee?"

"There's no coffee in this, Indy. I think you made curry instead of coffee..." Marion mused, taking another drink. "This is pretty good." She reached into the icebox and added some cream.

"There's some other spices over there too," Indy answered.

"I saw," Marion replied, still drinking the curry. "What were you doing in Persia?"

"Just a stopover on my way home for dinner," Indy winked at Annie, thinking of Seal Child and adoring his daughter, Emmaline.

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