Chapter 121: Edo's Camp, Kamchatka Wilderness, Soviet Russia, 1960

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Edo's Camp

Kamchatka Wilderness

Soviet Russia


Edo confronted Emily, making certain that both father and daughter could see each other in the strange mix of moonlight and lava glare, and both of them could recognize their perilous positions.

Indy was lying face down, bracing himself through pain, on the hot cracking thin obsidian volcanic glass over a boiling lava dome.

Emily had one of Edo's ninja henchmen's swords to her throat. And she was supposed to be frightened...

"Shorty and Lizavet got away," Emily snarled at Edo. "And they took your swords. They'll blend in better than your ninjas! They'll disappear! You'll never see them again! Your plans are ruined!" She lifted her chin, eyes blazing in fury, looking fearless like her father. "With any luck - they've got the swords already!"

"No." Edo lowered his eyes to gaze on Emily's body. "My plans are far from ruined. The knowing ones will find your friends."

He stepped closer, touching her jacket, standing too close for comfort, almost stroking Emily's torso. "What leather is this...? It's highly... supple."

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY DAUGHTER!" Indy roared, wanting to slam his fists into Edo, but he couldn't reach, and if he slammed the obsidian, it would shatter.

Emily smiled, daring to challenge Edo's predatory gaze. "It's saber tooth tiger. Tanned it myself."

He continued to stroke her jacket, intrigued. "Where did you find a saber tooth tiger? They died with the Ice Age."

"It's less of matter of where as it is when," Emily replied, cryptically.

"Hmm, yes." He stared into her eyes, meeting her challenge, as the apkallu knowing ones swirled around them.

"Emily!" Indy warned, able to see what his daughter could not.

Edo continued, spellbound by Emily's fearless challenge as the apkallu showed him Emily's past adventures. "You stared into its gold green eyes and stabbed it behind the head. Then cried for two weeks, because you didn't want to kill it."

Emily's dark eyes flickered. "How did you know that?"

Edo grinned, tightening his grip on her jacket, pulling her close. "Dear girl, the knowing ones are searching your mind. They will find things that even you didn't know."

"The... knowing ones?" Emily asked, pulling back. "You mean the apkallu?"

"Oh my..." Edo smiled in a slithering way. "Dr. Jones, you raised a talented girl. My knowing ones have found your memories of the Sidenstrasse Tapestry. And they're putting it back together... which means I can complete my task, and open hell... unleashing all the imprisoned apkallu."

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