Chapter 140: Sacrifice Stone, Edo's Camp, Kamchatka Wilderness, 1960

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Sacrifice Stone

Edo's Camp

Kamchatka Wilderness

Soviet Russia


Lizavet looked toward the ninjas in the ritual. "We must hurry. They will come to sacrifice us soon."

Emily started working on Indy's cuffs.

He looked over his shoulder at her work. "Is... that a hairpin?"

Emily grinned. "Yeah. Mom taught me."

"In a month?" Indy stammered.

"I learn fast, Dad," Emily replied.

"Your mother never taught me how to get out of handcuffs," Indy swallowed, thinking of all the World War II spy adventures where that skill would have been vital.

"She said it would... 'ruin your fun?'"

Indy grinned, picturing Marion - always escaping before him, hands on her hips torrential downpours of extreme fury and sass. Losing arguments was never so fun, when your damsel in distress was Marion Ravenwood Jones.

Lizavet slipped out of the cuffs.

Shorty's jaw dropped in awe. "You're amazing."

"Is old KBG trick," Lizavet shrugged.

Indy's jaw dropped. "She's - your - Shorty!!!! She's KBG? Russian secret police?!?"


All he could think of was Dr. Elsa Snyder's betrayal.

Emily got her father's hands free.

Indy pointed his index finger at Shorty. "Shorty, you and I are going to have a long father son talk about falling in love with the enemy!"

Shorty gave a bumbled shrug, as Lizavet tried to undo his handcuffs. "It was during World War II - Russia and the US were partners against the Nazis! I told you the Cold War was bad for romance!"

Emily looked over to Edo's men. Edo held up a human skull, chanting, as his men joined him.

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