Chapter 154: Mountainside, Kamchatka Wilderness, Soviet Union, 1960

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Kamchatka Wilderness

Soviet Union


The ash and gravel mix clattered and careened as Indy held onto Lizavet. She clutched his shoulders and hid her face, as he skidded to the bottom of the slope.

Emily and Shorty stopped them, just before the rocky creek bed.

Indy shook the ash from his hat brim and looked at Lizavet. "You all right?"

She nodded and forced herself away.

Lightning split the sky again, striking the trail where they'd been. It wasn't close enough to feel this time.

"Where's the creek?" Shorty asked.

Lizavet knelt and held her hand out. "The ground is warm... the water has either been rerouted, or it has boiled away because of the volcanic magma getting closer to the surface. Neither is good for us."

"The cave is across the creek and about a mile," Emily pointed.

Lizavet hesitated. "That is not nearly far enough."

Thunder boomed behind them, shaking the mountain. All of them looked up.

Shorty spoke what all of them were thinking. "Was that the sky or the volcano?"

"I don't think I want stick around and find out," Indy muttered.

"Then the cave is the best we can do," Lizavet decided.

"Dad, you ok?" Emily asked.

Indy cracked a grin. "I'm old, but I'm still able to keep up with my kids and grandkids. Run. We need to get away from here before something else blows up."

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