Chapter 90: Kamchatka, Russian Wilderness, 1960

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Russian Wilderness


Indy smiled at Emily. Then he glanced over at Shorty. "Did you have any nightmares from India?"

Shorty swallowed. "I don't know. We got back safe. And you were there. And the kids got home."

"What happened to the artifacts?" Emily asked.

"They burned a hole in my bag and got dropped into a river gorge," Indy explained. "I was able to save one and return it to their village. But I think they were more thrilled to see their children back. I didn't understand it then..." he smiled at Emily. "But since having kids - I do."

Shorty stared into the fire. "I think I have more nightmares about the war... and what happened at that strange ruin that we're headed back to."

"Diya?" Emily asked.

Shorty nodded. "Occasionally I'd have a nightmare from India... especially a few years later. But I hid a lot of it, until... until I lost my crew to similar creatures. Then I couldn't stop thinking about it. I told Lizavet. She probably thought I had a massive fever and was talking nonsense, but she accepted it. And... we, I guess we fell in love. I've always wanted to come back for her. Can we please rescue her, and then its back to the plane? Just like you want, Indy!"

"Shorty," Indy smiled gently. "We're here to rescue Lizavet - this was never about opening hell. Got close enough to that in the Temple of Doom."

"But Dad," Emily protested. "Why'd we need to bring the swords?"

"Edo can have the swords and hang them on his paper thin Kyoto house wall if he wants to," Indy retorted. "We're here to get Lizavet to safety. That's it. The swords are a ransom for her."

"You're just going to give up the swords?" Emily asked stunned.

"He can't open hell, Em. Even if the legend is true - he can't open up hell, because The Sidenstrasse Tapestry was the only instruction booklet. And we both know what happened to that!"

She swallowed. "I know what happened to it, Dad. I'm just shocked you'd give up artifacts for... a stranger."

"Em," Indy put his hand on her shoulder. "I threatened to destroy the Ark of the Covenant to rescue your mother and found out I couldn't do it. I have regretted that every day and I think it hurt her. It hurt... us... as a couple, too. Fortunately the Ark took care of itself. These mystical artifacts always have a way of getting themselves rescued."

"I don't want Edo to have these," Em insisted, holding the bag of swords. "There's something... extra evil about him. Like... he knows what to do with the artifacts, and he would open hell."

"I don't doubt that, Em. Your instincts are good." Indy paused, glancing toward the horizon, checking it for the extra long shadows. "We go after Edo, get Lizavet and we stay together. We have to stay together!"

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