Chapter 119: Edo's Camp, Kamchatka Wilderness, Soviet Russia, 1960

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Edo's Camp

Kamchatka Wilderness

Soviet Russia


Indy looked up, confused. "There's a treasure guardian of my realm?"

The apkallu laughed. "Of course. He's the one who put us in prison for wrecking havoc on his creation."

"Enslaving humanity?" Indy growled. "That's the ancient legend. You wanted to enslave all of us."

"And we did for a glorious time... corrupting each and every human on the planet, turning them away from caring for each other into monsters like us."

"You showed me what that was like when you managed to drug me in the Temple of Doom. I didn't like it."

"Dr. Jones - you're not going to have a choice. That's why we're keeping you alive. We want to be your guardians... we want to give you power."

"I've seen what happens to men who seek power - they get their faces melted off, their bodies contorted and tortured, and their empires topple to dust. I'm an archaeologist. Not a priest. Not your liberator. I stood against your kind on D-Day, fighting Nazis. And damn it all to hell - I'll stand against your kind with my last drop of blood and dying breath."

"Then you've made your choice?" The darkening shadow of the apkallu mused, trying to hide its fury.

"I have." Indy lay prone on the cracking obsidian glass, never feeling more vulnerable but certain of his convictions. "Get out of my realm. Go back to your prison."

"Then, in order for you to comply, we'll have to take what's most precious from you."

"Dad!" Emily yelled.

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