Chapter 164: Cave, Kamchatka Wilderness, 1960

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Kamchatka Wilderness

Soviet Union


Indy studied Emily's features. "You cut your hair...?"

"It... wasn't a choice, Dad." Emily swallowed. "One of the ninjas grabbed me..." She collapsed against his chest. Indy hugged her, and noticed the back of her neck. "Em - you're bleeding -"

"That happens, Dad. I'm female. And alive... not dead."

"Not what I meant. And not on the back of your neck." He showed her his hand.

"Oh." Emily swallowed. "That... I... didn't... realize..."

Indy looked at Shorty and Lizavet. "Have either of you got a pot or cup and some water? This is a deep cut and I don't want it infected."

"That is one of the things I carry," Lizavet answered, reaching into her small pack. "And I know this cave. There is a spring at the back."

Shorty put his hand on her shoulder. "I'll get it."

Indy gazed at Emily, fighting his fury. "Who hurt you?"

"I thought I was ok..." Emily swallowed again, all the emotions of the capture and escape rushing through her. Fire, fury, fear, fighting and suddenly... "Dad... I think I'm gonna..."

She careened to the side opposite of Indy. He knew the motion. He moved quickly, knocking her hat off her head and gathering her much shorter hair as she threw up.

Emily hurled a second time. Her elbows buckled and Indy caught her at the waist, tipping her up, keeping her from falling face first into her stomach's remains.

She leaned against him.

"Steady, hon. Steady." Indy kissed her on the side of the head and checked her forehead, using his own cheek as a temperature measurement, because his other arm was in a sling. "You're not feverish."

Shorty returned with the cup. Lizavet had gathered stones to make a small hearth and hold the heat in. Lizavet set the cup on the hot stones.

Emily took a breath, settling against the wall of the cave, as the fire warmed them all. "Sorry, Dad."

"No shame in feeling bad. You got it out of your system. Shorty, can you get some ash from the outside and cover that? It won't stink then."

"I'm sorry," Emily stammered. "I should have aimed better -"

"We all get sick, Emily," Shorty replied. "You should have seen your dad after he drank the possession brew from the Temple of Doom."

"Shorty -" Indy warned.

"No, she should hear this." Shorty grinned. "You were about to kiss Miss Scott, the screaming blonde, and after all the fighting -" Shorty laughed interrupting himself. "He hurled up the brew and was sick for days! It took him weeks before he could eat anything."

"Tea. Lots of tea," Indy replied. "Fortunately the village had a shaman and they wanted to help me get better." He cracked a grin. "Miss Scott never gave me another chance. She left with the Indian Army the next day."

"Good thing, Dad," Emily smiled. "I don't want my only talent to be screaming."

"That's unfair," Indy gently scolded.

Shorty guffawed. "No, its not."

"Dad - you sent me to Miss Scott's charm school," Emily reminded him. "I was there for less than two hours. I'm acutely aware of Miss Scott's lack of talent... and brains. She can't handle adventure - I'm glad you raised me better."

Indy smiled. "Me too, Em."

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