Chapter 55: The Treasury, Canyon of the Crescent Moon, 1960

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Canyon of the Crescent Moon


Professor Henry Jones Senior entered the small passageway into another chamber, lighting torches as he went.

"Dad?" Indy warned.

"For heaven's sake boy! There aren't any traps here! Calm yourself! Count to 100, in Greek."

Indy mumbled under his breath as Professor Jones Senior made his way downward. "Enunciate, Junior! How on earth are you ever going to learn to count and orate like a Renaissance scholar if you don't stop mumbling!"

Indy sighed, looking at Emily and Shorty in the flickering torchlight.

"Where's he going?" Emily asked.

"I have no idea," Indy murmured. "I didn't get to see this part when I came through here in 1938."

"I discovered it while sweeping up Walter Donavan!"

"Former employer," Indy explained to Shorty and Em.

"And not a very good one! He tried to kill me! And you, Junior!" Professor Jones shook his umbrella. They saw his silhouette in the torches' light.

"He would have killed us, Dad - if it weren't for the Holy Grail." Indy followed his father down the twisting carved stone stairs. "This looks like Crusader era castle architecture."

"Ah! So you were paying attention on my lectures throughout Europe!"

"Didn't have a choice, Dad."

Professor Jones pressed a hidden place in the rock. The passage way twisted and groaned as a large stone moved out of the way, revealing shimmering gold.

Shorty and Em stared into the secret room in awe.

"Don't touch anything," Indy warned.

"Especially since I haven't finished cataloguing it!" Professor Jones pushed by his son and entered the room, moving around stacks and artifacts of precious metals and jewels. He fumbled through the room, muttering to himself, swinging the umbrella, stroking his bearded chin and searching for something.

"Dad?" Indy asked.

"I know they're here somewhere."

"What is this place?" Shorty wondered.

"Its the Treasury, my boy! You didn't think it would be empty would you?"

Emily looked at Indy. "Grandpa... are you ok?"

Indy followed that thought. "Dad... you didn't lose the Swords of Diya, did you?"

"Ah!" Professor Jones pointed, pivoted and strode to the back corner of the room. "How could I have forgotten!"

"Its happened before..." Indy warned, remembering all too well their disastrous quest for the Holy Grail.

Professor Jones lifted an ancient jeweled bronze mirror from the floor and spoke to it. "Inventory, please!"

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