Chapter 149: Mountain Above Edo's Camp Kamchatka Wilderness, 1960

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Mountain Above Edo's Camp

Kamchatka Wilderness

Soviet Russia


Emily tossed the stick of dynamite, lunging to the side, covering her head as she dove behind a slightly protected rock overhang with her father, Lizavet and Shorty. The rockslide exploded as the dynamite went off, a portion of the mountain collapsing with it.

As the dust cleared in the moonlight, lava tube caves were illuminated by the lava's glow. The molten rock pulsated through the entire mountain.

Emily raised her head above the stones that had protected her. "Oh... that looks like trouble."

Indy tipped his hat up, looking over Emily's shoulder. "Yeah. That's trouble."

Lizavet followed their gaze, seeing half the mountain collapsing into itself and lava convulsing to the surface. "I think we have successfully made the entire mountain highly unstable and the spiritual realms as well. The mountain's cone will collapse soon..." She shifted her gaze to the mountaintops. "And if the heat melts the glaciers... there will be a very big explosion."

"How big?" Shorty asked.

"That's not the right question," Indy interrupted. "How much time do we have?"

Lizavet swallowed, sniffing the air. "We need to climb to more stable ground, and quickly, before the toxins from under the earth destroy our lungs."

"At least we got rid of Edo and his ninja goons!" Shorty declared.

Lizavet turned back. "We did not. Your explosions gave the apkallu the human sacrifices that they wanted. They will be more powerful the next time we meet with them."

"But aren't they dead?" Emily asked, staring into the valley now a caldron of fire.

"No. The men whose bodies were killed, they are dead. But the human shells are now inhabited... possibly by the apkallu."

"Damn," Indy muttered. "Why can't bad guys just die like they used to?"

"I take it you are only used to human evil?" Lizavet asked.

"Human evil is enough," Indy growled. "Been through two world wars, Miss Lizavet. At the end of the second one they had to come up with the word genocide to describe the targeted destruction of an entire people. Not that things like that didn't happen before the Nazis... but now, I find out that there's a whole other realm of evil and its worse than humans... I'm not taking this well."

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