Chapter 92: Kamchatka, Russian Wilderness, 1960

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Russian Wilderness


Emily looked at Shorty. "So, after you got out of the Temple of Doom, what happened?"

"Your dad grabbed a sword and started fighting all the bad guys that came at him," Shorty grinned. "I hope he taught you those things."

"Oh trust me," Emily replied. "I learned a lot. After the tomb incident, Mom left Dad, taking my older sister, Annie, with her. For most of my life its been me and Dad. Don't know what I'd do without him."

"I'm not going anywhere - except to rescue Lizavet," Indy retorted, and started walking for the top of the slope. "Got grandkids to get home to. Marion's gonna be furious I left her alone with them... Annie needs a break too," he continued muttering, hiking away from Shorty and Emily. "Laurel's gonna be clinging to everyone. Tyler... Tyler still hates me. Gotta fix that. And then there's that honey do list, Marion keeps adding to..."

Emily and Shorty looked at each other. She dropped back. "Shorty, was Dad like this with you?"

Shorty shook his head. "Not at all." He glanced at her. "Of course, having daughters... and you are..." he paused. "Attractive..."

"Just attractive?" Emily asked in a challenge. She automatically felt her fists tense. "The dumb blonde he had in India was supposedly attractive!"

Shorty shrugged helplessly. "You know where I'm going with this. A lot of men... would... like... you... in possibly the wrong ways..." he swallowed, watching her glare deepen. "I'm trying NOT to get punched here, accommodate me, please?"

"Oh." Emily smiled, loosening her fists. "Got it. You're not suggesting that I'm dumb because I'm a girl."

"No. Not at all. And... having a... pretty girl... for a daughter... might make a man extra... protective?" Shorty stumbled over his thoughts and words.

"Got it," Emily nodded. "So he has changed."

Shorty agreed. "Probably for the better. Whether you realize it or not, Em... you changed him."

Emily swallowed. "Is that bad?"

Indy turned around. "No, Em. I'm a better man now, thanks to you - than I ever was in my thirties. I need you, Em. I need you, your mother, your sister, her kids... and Shorty... welcome back, son. Damn, I've missed you too. Let's get Lizavet and get the hell outta here." He crested the hill and dropped to the ground.

"Dad!" Emily rushed forward.

Indy made a hand motion for her to stay back, muttering with a growl, "Edo. We found Edo's camp."

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