Chapter 174: Flashback: Archaeological Site, Egypt, Along the Red Sea, 1947

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Archaeological Site


Along the Red Sea


"Marion!" Indy yelled, the horse galloping along the shoreline's increasing waves. "MARION!"

She turned, squinting to the horizon as Indy charged up to her. "Marion!" He sucked in a shaking breath. "I got Annie to talk. This is the wrong end of the sandstone cliffs!" He leaned down, offering his arm.

Marion gripped Indy's arm and swung up behind him on the horse. "You think we have a chance? She's just a tiny little girl."

"She's our tiny girl, Marion," Indy reached backward to secure Marion, his hand squeezing her leg. "And that mostly means she's got your canny survival skills. She's strong too."

Marion wrapped her arms around Indy. "Jones, stop shoveling sentiment. You and I both know -"

"I know, Marion - but if I think about any gloom, I'm gonna be a helpless mess. Never been in this situation before." He glanced at her, hanging onto him. "Ready?"

"Indy, I hope you're right. - She may look like me - but she damn well better be like you to get out of this!" Marion grabbed his hat, slapping the horse's rump.

"Ya!" Indy yelled.

The horse pivoted, rearing, almost dumping them both off as a wave slammed into it.

They rode up the beach, past the tent. Annie looked up terrified, hugging Sallah. Every second counted. Every moment was them fighting panic and their four year old daughter fighting for her life.

"I hope Sallah isn't telling Annie how I met him," Marion glanced at Indy.

"Her being born before we were married, is the least of our worries," Indy replied. "Sallah knows how to tell stories for kids. He'll probably start with that damned monkey."

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