Chapter 151: Kamchatka Wilderness, Soviet Union, 1960

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Kamchatka Wilderness

Soviet Union


By the eerie light of the volcano, the moon lost behind the volcanic ash, they threaded their way down the mountain. Their trail was narrow and rocky. It followed the outer edge of the volcanic valley that had once been Edo's camp.

Lizavet sniffed the air and studied the lava pit. "This is very bad. We should not go lower."

"Do we have a choice?" Emily asked.

Lizavet studied the sky.

Clouds covered the horizon, blotting out the moon and stars. A plume of smoke rose from the volcano. The ground suddenly trembled.

Emily pitched to the side along the narrow trail, arms flailing. Indy's hand snapped out, grabbing her jacket, yanking his daughter away from the trail's mountain cliff edge.

Ash shot into the sky, raining down.

"Oh no," Lizavet whispered.

"I don't like the sound of that," Indy mused, pulling Emily closer. "You ok, Em?"

Emily nodded. Indy could feel the nod against his chest and chin, more than he could see it. He checked in with the others. "Shorty?"

"Still handcuffed - but steady, Indy!"


"We need to stay on high ground," Lizavet explained. "It will maybe protect us from the mudflows."

"Mudflows?" Shorty asked.

"The volcanoes put down a layer of hot ash. The heat melts the glaciers. There are mudslides and mudflows, and quick floods," Lizavet explained. She smiled back at the Joneses and Shorty. "It is what I studied when I went to school."

"They let you study volcanoes?" Shorty asked.

"Yes." She led them along the narrow trail. "I thought it would be good for me to know about them from a science perspective, since to my people they are evil. Anything that comes from under the earth is forbidden. My people do not even plow the earth to plant." She smiled. "My KBG adoptive parents always said it was silly, forbidden and backward to have such superstitions. So I came to this valley during the Second World War to study and map it. There are many beautiful things in this sacred land. I feel close to my ancient ancestors when I am here."

"Do they have any advice for us?" Emily asked, coughing.

Lizavet paused. "I do not ask them. I have found... wandering into the world of the dead... frightening?"

"Where's civilization?" Indy asked. "Is there anyone we have to warn?"

"There is no one local or within walking distance to warn," Lizavet explained. "The military has sensors here which will have registered the explosions... but there are not... they will not come to our aid."

"So its just us, the apkallu and Edo... if he survived?" Emily asked.

"I am certain he survived," Lizavet countered.

"Why is that?" Indy asked. "You saw the destruction."

"The apkallu take care of their own, until they are of no use any longer." Lizavet looked at Indy. "And they want you to steal the Seventh Sword of Diya from the Treasure Guardian himself. Which means, they need you alive - and Edo too."

"Why Edo?"

Lizavet stared at Indy. "Another human has to kill the high priest so that the seventh sword can be retrieved."

"No, Dad! You can't let them!" Emily gripped Indy's shoulders.

Indy smiled at his daughter. "They can take a number, Em. I've got plenty of people from my past who wanted that and never succeeded. Don't worry. Most don't even come close." He touched the bullet scar along the side of his head and looked at Lizavet. "I'm not sure I can believe that's what they want me for?"

Lizavet nodded. "I told you not to rescue me, Dr. Jones. My life is not worth it."

"And I told you, Miss Lizavet - to let me make that decision for myself."

The Seven Swords of Diya: An Indiana Jones Fan Fiction Part 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang